English literature words

Övningen är skapad 2017-11-14 av AndreaHellrin. Antal frågor: 13.

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  • paradox statement that seems contrasting to common sense yet may be true
  • parody a form of literature that mocks a specifik story with comedy as ground principal
  • personification giving human qualities to non-living objects
  • point of view the relationship between the teller of the story and the characters in it
  • protagonist main character
  • repetition repeating a word or phrase to stress its importance, especially in poetry
  • satire a literary tone used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness
  • simile a comparison using like or as
  • style a manner of expression characteristic of the author
  • symbol something concrete that represents something else
  • theme the main idea of a piece of literature as it applies to human beings in general, not the plot
  • internal conflicts conflicts that take place in the mind of the character
  • external conflicts conflicts that take place in the surroundings of an individual

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