English in the world/speakers/travel

Övningen är skapad 2022-02-23 av rebeccaalfredsson. Antal frågor: 16.

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Alla Inga

  • Native speaker someone who has spoken a language since they were a baby
  • Non-native speaker someone who has learned a language as a child or adult
  • First language he language that someone learns to speak first
  • Second language a language that a person can speak that is not the first language they learned naturally as a child - in countries where English is used as a second language, it is used in public communication, politics, law
  • English as a foreign language English as taught to people whose main language is not English and who live in a country where English is not the official or main language
  • English as a lingua franca or global language a language used for communication between groups of people who speak different languages
  • Agritourism the activity of spending your holiday visiting another country and staying in places in the countryside, for example farms
  • Airport the place where you go to travel by air
  • Amusement park a place where you go to take rides such as the roller coaster
  • Aquarium where you go to look at fish, whales and other sea animals in big tanks
  • Arrive come to a place, reach a destination
  • Art gallery where artists display paintings and sculptures
  • Attraction somewhere or something you can visit that is interesting or enjoyable
  • B&B (bed and breakfast) accommodation in someone’s home where you get a room or a bed and breakfast for a fixed price
  • Backpack travel when you carry your luggage and move around a lot and usually stay in inexpensive places
  • Beauty spot a beautiful place in the countryside that attracts tourists

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