English 7 vocabulary - week 37

Övningen är skapad 2022-09-11 av Magarac04. Antal frågor: 25.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Profusion A very large quantity of something
  • Breathalyse Breathe into a breathalyzer in order to measure the amount of alcohol in your blood
  • Abstemious Not allow yourself much alcohol or food
  • Teetotal Never drinking alcohol
  • Duly In the correct and respected manner
  • Remedial Connected to school students who are slower at learning than others
  • On a whim Spontaneously, a sudden wish
  • Spuriously False, fake, not genuine
  • Vanquish Defeat
  • Integral Essential
  • Edgy Provocative, something that pushes the boundaries
  • Patois A variety different from the standard
  • Ardently Very enthusiastically
  • Confound Confuse and surprise
  • Moronic Very stupid
  • Frontal lobotomy An operation on the front part of your brain
  • Abhor Hate
  • Spectacular Very impressive
  • Hence For this reason, therefore
  • Correlation A mutual connection between two entities
  • Disenfranchisement Deprive somebody of his/her rights
  • Immense Very big
  • A penchant for Have a special liking for
  • Ubiquitous Seeming to be everywhere, very common
  • Ephemeral Something that does not last very long

Alla Inga

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