
Övningen är skapad 2023-12-18 av 07oscska. Antal frågor: 30.

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  • having no special or distinctive characteristics; unoriginal Generic
  • to condemn openly Denounce
  • a flat rectangular device containing a very long strip of magnetic material used to record sound and/or pictures Cassette
  • after an unspecified period of time or a long delay Eventually
  • always happening or behaving in a similar way Consistent
  • by the way (used to introduce a new topic) Incidentally
  • mark as distinct Differentiate
  • concerned with practical matters Pragmatic
  • excessively large Corpulent
  • without pity or remorse Mercilessly
  • annoy continually or chronically Provoke
  • in spite of everything Regardless
  • despite what has just been said or referred to Nevertheless
  • a public manifestation of dissent A protest
  • very pleased and satisfied with yourself, and having no doubt about the value of what you know or have done Smug
  • a mental disorder characterized by an extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you Paranoia
  • quiet or not clear Muffled
  • an empty area or space A vacuum
  • express indirectly by an image, form, or model Symbolize
  • use of therapies to restore or improve physical function; the process of returning to a healthy or good way of life Rehabilitation
  • a person who judges people mainly by their social position or wealth; someone who thinks they are above others Snob
  • having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety Distracted
  • important Significant
  • not conforming to accepted rules or standards Unconventional
  • showing anger and a willingness to attack other people Aggressive
  • strong or powerful; not delicate Rugged
  • someone who remains on sidelines at social events Wallflower
  • 1. to manage or direct; 2. to give out as treatment or assistance Administer
  • not having interest or losing interest because you have experienced something too many times Jaded
  • having the same value Equivalent

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