Engelska - nyckelord

Övningen är skapad 2021-11-11 av _naomi_00. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • It is a dark, cold Thursday morning in Fevruary, 1824.
  • A little boy, twelve years old, is slowly walking through the dirty, slushy streets of London.
  • He doesn't go to school. No, he has just left his room in Camden to work in a shoe polish warehouse.
  • His fingers and clothes look dirty and shabby, and his shoes have holes in them.
  • He is always hungry. There's only one shilling left in his pocket and he will get no more money until Saturday .
  • The boy's name is Charles.
  • The boy's name is Charles .
  • He was born in Portsmouth but...
  • ...the family moved to Chatham when he was five.
  • They had lots of friends and gave big parties. They even had servants .
  • But his father was careless with money.
  • When he couldn't pay his bills, he ended up in prision and had to leave his job.
  • Charles's mother, his younger sister and two brothers are staying there with him now, and every Sunday Charles and his older sister visit the rest of the family.
  • Charles hates to be alone and he hates his dull job, putting labels on shoe polish pots.
  • But he has to work - twelve hours a day, six days a week.
  • He only gets six shillings a week.
  • There is a chill and blowing.
  • He walks on, shivering with cold.
  • When he turns around into the Strand (gata i London) and sees the ugly, black building in front of him,
  • he feels a pang in he's heart.
  • He thinks that life is so unfair .
  • But in nine years, things will get better. He will be working as a journalist for the Morning Chronicle .
  • His knowledge of what it is to be poor, lonely, dirty, hungry and cold will be usefull for him one day.
  • In 1838, Charles Dickens begin to write a very famous novel.
  • The novel he wrote is called Oliver Twist .

Alla Inga

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