Engelska misspelled words v.5

Övningen är skapad 2022-02-02 av Tiger124. Antal frågor: 24.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • Their Possessive word for “they”
  • There At a particular place
  • They're Contraction of “they are”
  • Believe To have confidence or truth in something
  • Because A conjunction which explains for the reason that
  • Separate To divide apart
  • Too An adverb which adds a confirmation or used in an agreeing sense, or describes exceeding a certain point.
  • Two The number 2
  • To A preposition that adds information to the sentence such as going towards a specific location, thing, or person
  • Weather The state of the atmosphere outside such as rain, snow, sleet, etc
  • Whether Used to introduces the first of two alternatives
  • Interest A noun which is a feeling a person’s desire or curiosity in a particular thing; a verb which shows the action of engagement or concern in something
  • Receive A verb which describes something being delivered or brought to one
  • Until Refers to up to a certain time
  • Writing A noun which is a written form or characteristics of the written material
  • Tried Past tense verb of try, to attempt to do something
  • Tired An adjective which describes someone as exhausted and lacking energy
  • Privilege A special right or benefit usually enjoyed only by one person or a selected group which goes beyond the advantages of most
  • Decide To solve or conclude
  • Finally At last; eventually
  • Beginning The first part
  • Character A trait that describes person; moral or ethical quality; a person’s reputation; within theatre, a person acts as someone else
  • Accept A verb to show someone agrees or consent to
  • Except With the exclusion of

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