Engelska literary poem terms

Övningen är skapad 2017-03-16 av samirakm. Antal frågor: 10.

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  • simile a figurative speech where something is like or as something else. They share common features but are not the same. Ex: cute as a kitten
  • metaphor figure of speech when something IS something else, you do not use 'like' or 'as'. Ex: The worlds a stage (The worlds not actually a stage) or 'you are the light of my life'
  • personification figure of speech where something nonhuman is given human characteristics/nature. Ex: It was a happy house.
  • onomatopoeia a word that sounds like what it is describing. Ex: splash or splat
  • alliteration literary stylistic device where the first letters of a series of words in a sentence are the same letter. Ex: Don't Do Dumb things.
  • euphemism the use of a polite or less rude word of expression instead of a rude or vulgar one. Ex: 'bun in the oven' (pregnant) 'passed away' (died)
  • imagery figurative language to represent objects, actions, ideas in ways that appeals to our physical senses. Ex: 'it was dark and dim in the forest
  • stanza a section of a poem
  • hyperbole extreme exaggeration to make a point. ex 'im dying here'
  • symbolism use of images or symbols in literature to give greater depth and meaning. Like imagery, metaphor and simile. Ex. red rose, red colour - romance

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