Engelska 7 Artikel 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-10 av Ellipett. Antal frågor: 131.

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  • Pantheon A temple of all gods (the greatest)
  • Acclaimed / Hyllad Publicly praised
  • Cultivator / Kultivator farm tool or machine designed to stir the soil around a crop as it matures to promote growth and destroy weeds
  • Free- spirited / Frimodig A person who does what they want with enjoyment and pleasure
  • Flying coach the “budget option” of air travel
  • Bon vivant / Bra boende A person who enjoys a sociable and luxurious lifestyle
  • Excite / Exitera Cause someone to feel very enthusiastic and eager
  • Plugged-in / Inkopplad Technologically or socially informed and connected
  • Innovative / Innovativt Using new methods or idea
  • Glimpse / Glimt See or perceive briefly or partially. A momentary view
  • Namesake One that has the same name as another
  • Exclusively / Uteslutande Limited to a specific thing or group
  • Decades / Deccenier A period of ten years
  • Endeavor / Strävan Try hard to do or achieve something. An attempt to achieve a goal
  • Synergy / Synergi The combined power of a group of things when they are working together
  • Fiddler / Fifflare A person who cheats (or a person who plays the violin)
  • Riff A short, repeated phrase in popular music, typically used as an introduction or refrain in a song. OR to talk about a particular subject in usually a quick and lively way
  • Butoh A from of Japanese dance theatre
  • Slew Turn or slide violently or uncontrollably. OR a large number or quantity
  • Previously / Tidigare Earlier (in time), before
  • Peers Look with difficulty or concentration at something or someone
  • Community / Gemenskap The people living in one particular area
  • Connecting / Ansluter Joining or being joined
  • Benevolent / Välvillig It is when you are compassionate and caring about others
  • Credibility / Trovärdighet The credibility of something is how much you can believe it or not
  • Wicked / Ond, elak Evil or morally wrong
  • Urge / Uppmana, yrka to persuade someone or to feel a strong desire
  • Endeavor / Strävan Trying hard to achieve something
  • Undoubtedly / Utan tvivel When it is Undoubtedly it is with certainty, it is assured
  • Rollicking / Uppsluppen example, “This is all rollicking fun” lively/ amusing
  • Heartrending / Hjärtskärande When something is heartrending it is sad or touching
  • Gritty / Grynig Showing courage and resolve, having grit on you/ having dirt on you
  • Multiculti Relating to many different cultures, with an air of controversy
  • Poignancy / Passion A strong desire or liking for anything. For example music
  • Acclaimed / Hyllad Publicly praised, celebrated
  • Feat / Bedrift An achievement that requires great skill or courage
  • Shy away from / Skygga för Avoiding something, often because you believe you cannot do it
  • Controversy / Kontrovers A lot of disagreements or argument about something
  • Predecessor / Företrädare Someone who had a job or a position before someone else
  • Chiles A hot pepper
  • Exceedingly / Ytterst To a very great degree, extremely
  • Hounded / Jagad To chase someone or to refuse to leave someone alone
  • Bonded An attachment that develops between people in a relationship. OR that an insurance and bonding company has procured funds that are available to the costumer
  • Deli A market where you can buy prepared food or shop for staples (ex. Cold meat and cheese)
  • Canola oil / Rapsolja Oil used in cooking that is made from the rapeseed plant
  • Sauté / Saute Fried quickly and very hot
  • Swanky / Flott Very classy and fancy. For example: This restaurant is swanky
  • Quinoa / Quinoa Seeds from a plant you can eat, similar to bulgur or rice
  • Canola / Raps Used to make canola oil, yellow flowers you see on the fields
  • Garnish / garnering decorate food
  • Grain / spannmål, korn a seed or seeds from a plant
  • Primarily / Primärt First and foremost, first of all
  • Dovetailed / Laxstjärtad When something fits well together. Especially in woodworking
  • Neatly / Ordentligt In a neat way, clean or tidy
  • Infrastructure / Infrastruktur An underlying structure of a country/city and its economy
  • Dispute / Tvist A disagreement or argument
  • Acute / Spetsig Sharp or severe in effect, intense. OR aware of or able to recognize small differences between things
  • Degrading / Förnedrande Humiliating or disrespecting someone, making someone feel degraded
  • Sustainability / Hållbarhet The ability to maintain or support a process continuously over a long time
  • Agronomists / Agronomer Studies plants, how they can be grown/ modified and useful
  • Deaf ears No one listens to it. Be ignored or disregarded
  • Crop / Gröda A plant that is grown by farmers
  • Prosperity / Välstånd The state of being successful and having a lot of money
  • Urban areas / Stadsområde Locations with high population density
  • Proverbial / Ordspråkliga Something is well-known and often repeated
  • Demand / Efterfrågan To ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
  • A commodity / En vara A substence or product that can be that can be traded, bought or sold
  • Accustomed / Van Familiar with something
  • Quadruple / fyrdubbla increase fourfold
  • Prominent / Framträdande It sticks out from a surface or can be seen easily
  • Usher / platsanvisare a person who guides someone somewhere
  • Kale / grönkål A type of cabbage with green or purple tightly curled leaves
  • Protagonism / Protagonism One of the main characters in a story or in a play
  • Cauliflower / blomkål a large, round vegetable that consists of a white mass of hard, tight, flower buds surrounded by green leaves
  • Cuisine / kokkonst A style of cooking. Manner of preparing food
  • Symposium An occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest
  • Trifecta A situation in which you achieve tree things. Set of three
  • Nutritional / Näringsmässigt Relation to nutrition, or containing a food substance your body can use, it helps you remain healthy
  • Profitability / Lönsamhet The fact that something produces or is likely to produce a profit
  • Brewed / bryggt Sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavour
  • Culminated / kulminera to reach it’s highest point attainable
  • Counterrevolution / kontrarevolution opposition/resistance to a revolutionary moment
  • Terroir the environmental conditions, especially soil and climate, in which grapes are grown
  • Yields / Vinst To supply or produce something positive
  • Acclaimed / Hyllad To give public approval and praise
  • Maroon / rödbrun färg/vinröd Dark reddish-purple color
  • Indiscriminately In a way that does not show careful choice or planning
  • Ripe / mogen completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten
  • Spreading the gospel / Spridning av evangeliget Spreading the ultimate good news
  • Isolate / Isolera To set apart from others
  • Parodied To copy the style of someone or something in a humorous way
  • Belies To show something to be false
  • Batlle Representative of a king
  • Impeccable / Oklanderlig Perfect, with no problems or bad parts
  • Painstaking / Noggrann Extremly careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort
  • Bane / Fördärv A source of harm or ruin
  • Agriculture / Lantbruk The practice or work of farming
  • Indignation anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy or mean. Anger about a siuation that you think is unfair
  • Pesticides / Bekämpningsmedel Substances that are used to control pests
  • Patented The legal right to be the only person or company to make or sell a product
  • Corporations / Företag A large company
  • Developing / Framkallning to cause something to grow or change into a more advanced, lager or stronger from
  • Engineered / Konstuerad to plan, design, or build according to scientific principles
  • Modified / Ändrad To make changes to something
  • Blighted with In a badly damaged or deteriorated condition
  • Profitable / Lönsam Making or likely to make a profit
  • Enterprises / Företag An organization, especially a business
  • Virtues / Dygder A good moral quality in a person'
  • Harvests / Skördar The process or period of gathering crops
  • Occupy / Uppta To fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time
  • Prophecy / Profetia A statement that says what is going to happen in the future
  • Demanding / Krävande needing a lot of attention, effort, or time
  • Innovative Using new methods or ideas
  • Iconoclastic attacking or ignoring cherished beliefs and long-held traditions
  • Image / Bild A picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is
  • Aesthete / Estet A person who understands and enjoys beauty, especially art
  • Fiefdom The property owned by a lord
  • Exquisite / Utsökt very beautiful and delicate
  • Bracing / Uppigande Having a strong effect on your senses or emotions
  • Goofy / fånig ridiculous, funny or foolish
  • Symposium A meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic
  • Co curated To be one of two or more people who are responsible for selecting objects
  • Acronym Words which are formed from the first letters of other words
  • Discontents / Missnöje A lack of satisfaction
  • Complexities The features of something that make it difficult to understand or find answer to
  • Guts / mod courage, literal Intestines
  • Encomium A pice of writing speech
  • Sistine / Sixtinska Relating to any pope named Sixtus or a capel
  • Metaphorical courage / Metaforsikt mod Not having real existence but representing some truth about a situation or a subject
  • Amid / Mitt i Surrounded by, in the middle of
  • Bash / Våldsamt slag To hit hard

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