Engelska 7, academic english

Övningen är skapad 2022-11-13 av tuvisen04. Antal frågor: 35.

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Alla Inga

  • Abhor synonym to hate, detaste
  • Abstemious restrictive, harsh of yourself, you don’t allow yourself to drink or eat for example
  • A penchant for you have a taste or liking for something
  • Ardently willingly, happily, devoted, meticulous
  • Acknowledge Recognize, confess, accept, admit, you get acknowledged
  • Correlation coexisting of two entities, two of something which are connected
  • Confound bewildering, enormous confusion, surprising even, To confound somebody
  • Consummate perfect
  • Duly do something in a correct and respected manor
  • Disenfranchisement to take away someone's rights, to deprive someone of teheir right to vote
  • Discernible able to be seen or understood, able to spot or see something
  • Derisive Mocking, taunting
  • Debilitate to make something or somebody physically weak
  • Edgy provocative
  • Ephemeral very short lived, juice’s career
  • Hence Consequently, therefore
  • Integral very important to something
  • Irrespective of regardless of
  • Inchoate only recently or partly formed, or not completely developed or clear
  • On a whim by coincidence, spontaneously
  • Obfuscation the act of making something less clear and less easy to understand, often on purpose.
  • Ostracise freeze out
  • Obnoxious very unpleasant or rude
  • Profusion an abundance of something, “a profusion of flowers in the spring” = a lot of flowers in the spring
  • Patois dialekt
  • Patronising act superior
  • Promulgate - to spread ideas and beliefs among a lot of people to announce something publicly
  • Remedial (remedy), refers to help for struggling students
  • Spuriously something that happens in a false fashion. Fake. Not genuine
  • Spectacular fantastic, amazing, very good
  • Teetotal completely abstemious from alcohol (specifically)
  • Tangible real, existing, able to be shown or experienced. Everything we can touch and feel are tangible
  • Vanquish defeat
  • Vicious these people (or an action) show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly, also something that causes someone great pain.
  • Ubiquitous Universal, common, extensive “the swedes are not alone in finding the language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of english ”

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