Engelska 18/10

Övningen är skapad 2017-10-18 av Hannessamuelsson. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • Extinct An animal, plant or language that no longer exists
  • Nostril one of the two holes at the end of your nose
  • 20/20 vision see normal without glasses
  • Rake a tool to remove leaves from the ground
  • Vessels tubes in people which liquid flows in
  • Saturated fat can cause high levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • Molecule Consists of 2 or more atoms
  • Clot Lump of blood
  • Physics the science that deals with heat and light
  • Concussion A head injury that makes one feel ill or unconscious
  • Amnesia Defecit in memory
  • Aneurysm Bulge that causes internal bleeding
  • Embolism Blockage-causeing material in a bloodvessel
  • Claustrophobia Fear of small spaces
  • Scientist A person doing research to aquire knowledge
  • Cross mad/pissed of
  • Tweezers pincett
  • Slander Gossip/förtal
  • Padlock hänglås
  • Bracelet handcuffs

Alla Inga

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