Engelska 17/1

Övningen är skapad 2020-01-16 av elise04j. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • A pile Lot of stuff in the same place
  • Cots Small beds
  • Convicted to be declared of a criminal offense
  • despicable someone that deserves to be despised
  • he was innocent he has been accused of something he haven’t done
  • it was a violation when you insult someone like being mean
  • rifle a rifle is a single person portable long barrelled fireman
  • scientist A person who is studying or has knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences
  • Used to torment to hurt someone
  • sanitary A word related to health in reference to cleanliness
  • A hammock A big piece of fabric that you fast then for example between two trees and then you can lay down and sleep or read a book in it
  • mud wrestling when two people fight in a pool of mud
  • hesitated when you pause because you’re unsure before saying or doing something
  • usually how something normally is
  • providing the key giving something that gives a solution to for example a dilemma
  • embarrassment Something that makes you uncomfortable
  • wator spigot A spigot is a faucet, a device to turn water on and off
  • exclaimed to say or shout out something suddenly because of surprise or fear
  • weirdest person it means when a person is strange
  • wandered aimlessly when you went without decide where you should go
  • don’t believe in curses acres is a bad spell that someone can put on you that you shouldn’t believe in at all
  • mounds is when stuff is lying at other stuff
  • vast wasteland A big open space with a lack of life and activity
  • you’ll be buzzards food A phrase used as a threat to signify you’ll die and be eaten by predators
  • The warden A person who is responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity they hold the keys for a prison

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