
Övningen är skapad 2023-01-31 av sk-8y8gik1s06. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • texture how something feels when you touch it
  • preference what you prefer
  • rationale reasons for doing something
  • cite refer to
  • sever cut
  • physicist someone studying physicist
  • torn divided
  • tendecy type of behavior that keeps occurring
  • spin tell a story in an exciting way
  • ingrained deeply rooted
  • propensity tendecy
  • pull the wool over someone's eyes trick someone
  • sage wise
  • criteria standards by which someone is judged
  • in accordance with in line with
  • hefty impressively large
  • snazzy modern and stylish
  • handy useful
  • application piece of software
  • deception dishonesty
  • compulsive obsessive and uncontrollable
  • discrepancy difference
  • pervasive universal
  • inconsistency conflict
  • pool group
  • the bulk of the main part
  • impaired damaged
  • connectivity ability to connect
  • extrapolate make a prediction using known facts
  • dubious uncertain

Alla Inga

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