ENG06: Verbs 01-10

Övningen är skapad 2019-09-13 av Jakob2000. Antal frågor: 30.

Välj frågor (30)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • receives He ___ a lot of junk mail at the moment. (ta emot)
  • receive We ___ a lot of junk mail at the moment. (ta emot)
  • received He ___ a lot of junk mail last week. (ta emot)
  • arises An issue ___ every time I try to talk with her. (kroppar upp)
  • arise Issues ___ every time I try to talk with her. (kroppar upp)
  • arose Issues ___ every time I tried to talk with her. (kroppar upp)
  • bears Brianna ___ the most responsibility because she is oldest. (bär)
  • bear My siblings ___ the most responsibility because they are older than me. (bär)
  • bore Brianna ___ the most responsibility because she was oldest. (bär)
  • becomes She ___ kinda creepy when we are alone together. (bli)
  • become They ___ kinda creepy when we are alone together. (bli)
  • became She ___ kinda creepy when we were alone together. (bli)
  • begins He often ___ dinner without me when I'm late. (börja)
  • begin They often ___ dinner without me when I'm late. (börja)
  • began They often ___ dinner without me when I was late. (börja)
  • carries This bus ___ a lot of passengers when it's this busy. (bär)
  • carry These busses ___ a lot of passengers when it's this busy. (bär)
  • carried The buses ___ a lot of passengers this morning. (bär)
  • considers I work hard and my boss ___ me to be quite valuable. (anse)
  • consider I work hard and my bosses ___ me to be quite valuable. (anse)
  • considered I worked hard and my boss ___ me to be quite valuable. (anse)
  • spends Siv ___ her holidays in Thailand when she has the money. (bruka)
  • spend Siv & Åke ___ their holidays in Thailand when they has the money. (bruka)
  • spent Siv ___ her holidays in Thailand when she was younger. (bruka)
  • generates That product is important because it ___ the company a lot of money. (generera)
  • generate Those products are important because they ___ the company a lot of money. (generera)
  • generated That product was important because it ___ the company a lot of money. (generera)
  • bursts She ___ my ego every time she lifts more than me. (spricka)
  • burst They ___ my ego every time they lifts more than me. (spricka)
  • burst She ___ my ego last night by lifting more than me. (spricka)

Alla Inga

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