ENG05: Verbs 51-60

Övningen är skapad 2019-09-13 av Jakob2000. Antal frågor: 30.

Välj frågor (30)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • loses Hamish ___ most of the races he runs. (förlora)
  • lose The players ___ most of the games they play. (förlora)
  • lost We ___ our game against Verona yesterday. (förlora)
  • pays James ___ with cash when he orders lunch. (betala)
  • pay They ___ with cash when they order lunch. (betala)
  • paid I ___ with cash last time, but not this time. (betala)
  • meets She usually ___ me for lunch when I have time. (möta)
  • meet They usually ___ me for lunch when I have time. (möta)
  • met He ___ me for lunch earlier today. (möta)
  • includes She ___ all the children in the dances she organises. (inkludera)
  • include We ___ all the children in the dances we organise. (inkludera)
  • included She ___ all of the children in the dance she organised. (inkludera)
  • continues He ___ to walk even when he is tired. (fortsätta)
  • continue They ___ to walk even when they are tired. (fortsätta)
  • continued He ___ to walk until he died of exhaustion. (fortsätta)
  • sets The waitress ___ the table while she takes orders. (ställa i ordning)
  • set They ___ the table while they take orders. (ställa i ordning)
  • set He ___ the table while he took orders. (ställa i ordning)
  • learns Abby ___ quickly when she is happy. (lära)
  • learn Kids ___ quickly when they are happy. (lära)
  • learnt Abby ___ quickly and now she is a master. (lära)
  • changes He ___ his hairstyle regularly these days. (ändra/byta)
  • change Kids ___ their hairstyles regularly these days. (ändra/byta)
  • changed Kids ___ their hairstyles regularly when I was young. (ändra/byta)
  • leads My dog ___ the sheep home while I watch. (leda)
  • lead My dogs ___ the sheep home while I watch. (leda)
  • led My dog ___ the sheep home while I watched. (leda)
  • understands Mark ___ Finnish but he mostly talks Swedish. (förstå)
  • understand My parents ___ Finnish but they mostly talk Swedish. (förstå)
  • understood Mark ___ Finnish when he was young, but he doesn't now. (förstå)

Alla Inga

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