eng v.41

Övningen är skapad 2016-10-11 av aliceaskemyr. Antal frågor: 36.

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  • elusive difficult to find or remember
  • to elude escape
  • elusion evasion
  • emphatic forceful
  • emphasize to stress
  • emphasis special attention
  • endorsed approved
  • endorse write one's signature on the back of a check, give approval or support, esp. by public statement
  • endorsement support
  • eligible qulified, able to
  • extrovert/extroverted outgoing (BE/AE)
  • introvert a shy person; a person concerned primarily with inner thoughts and feelings rather than with the physical or social environment.
  • embellished beautiful
  • embellish decorate, to beautify
  • embellishment decoration
  • ephermeral short-lived, temporary
  • evasive deceitful
  • to evade to escape, avoid
  • evasion the act of evading or escaping, esp from a distasteful duty, responsibility, etc, by trickery, cunning, or illegal means: tax ______?.
  • exhale breathe out
  • inhale breathe in
  • extenuating mitigating, partially excusing
  • famous Well or widely known.
  • fame The state of being widely known, recognized, or of great popular interest
  • infamous notorious
  • flawless perfect
  • flamboyant noticeable, stylish (David Bowie, Elton John)
  • face value (at) take for granted, accept even if it isn't true
  • far-fetched unconvincing
  • fatigued exhausted
  • fatigue exhaustion
  • ferocious fierce, violent
  • ferocity fierceness, violence
  • fertile able to reproduce, rich
  • to fertilize inseminate, enrich, soil
  • fertility The condition, quality, or degree of being able to reproduce

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