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Övningen är skapad 2019-08-27 av ejmc. Antal frågor: 76.

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Alla Inga

  • agree have the same opinion
  • assembly a regular meeting of teachers and students
  • audition interview and show for theater or movie
  • bff best friends forever
  • blow up to explode
  • chop to cut
  • creak to make a noise like wood creaks
  • dummy a model of a human being
  • fail to not pass a test or exam
  • faint to lose consciousness
  • fairies imaginary beings who have magical powers and can fly
  • fireworks an explosion of lights during a celebration
  • fix to repair
  • freckles brown marks on your face or skin
  • funky fashionablle and unusual
  • grounded punished and may not go out
  • half term school holidays in the middle of a semester
  • hang out to spend time with
  • hay dried grass that horses eat
  • headmistress the director of a school
  • hot guy a very handsome boy
  • hug to put ones arms around someone
  • laptop a portable computer
  • live happening at this moment
  • mind your manors be polite
  • nasty cruel and not kind
  • necklace a piece of jewelery around your neck
  • nightmare a bad dream
  • pretty quite fairly very
  • report card a student's grades
  • Robin another name for Puck
  • smartboard a large touchable computer screen in a classroom
  • suit pants and jacket of the same material and colors
  • suspended obliged to leave school as a punishment
  • term part of the school year
  • thief someone who steals
  • unkind not nice
  • adventures experience
  • fabulous almost impossible to believe; incredible.
  • imagine to think, believe, guess
  • chose picked, selected
  • losers people who often fails or loses
  • grade class
  • going with having a girl friend or boy friend
  • serious not playing
  • education a degree, level, or kind of schooling, acquiring knowledge
  • constantly all the time
  • cancel to decide or announce that a planned event will not take place, call off, annul
  • worst very bad
  • embarressed feel shame, uncomfortable
  • cried water came from the eyes
  • influence affect, sway on other people
  • locked closed the door with a key so no one can enter
  • private girl's school very strict school
  • ghosts the spirit or the soul of a dead person
  • nasty vicious, bad
  • chop cut
  • perform to carry out, execute, do
  • wife a married woman
  • a passage ea piece of text that belongs together by content
  • recite to repeat from memory in a theatrical way
  • actress a woman who acts on stage, tv or film
  • panties underwear for women
  • miserable unhappy, unease feeling very bad
  • refuse decline to accept
  • ignore pretend you do not see
  • replied answered
  • computer wizard very good at computers
  • tournament a series of games, cup
  • supposed to intended to
  • execution killing of a person as a punishment
  • highest marks best scores
  • disaster a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure
  • bracelet a piece of jewelery around your wrist/hand
  • innocent did not do anything wrongly
  • accused charged with a crime, fault, say you did something

Alla Inga

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