eng glosor

Övningen är skapad 2020-10-05 av 12345adk. Antal frågor: 71.

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Alla Inga

  • hold office have an important job or position
  • secure hereachieve, succeed in getting something
  • presidency the job, or period, of being president
  • prose written or spoken language in its ordinary form
  • penchant formalliking, preference; tendency
  • knack informalskill, ability
  • inaugural first, opening
  • prime very high quality
  • humbled made to feel less important
  • bestow formal give
  • bear uthärda, tolerera
  • ancestor förfader
  • Transition övergångsperiod
  • rising tides of increases in
  • amidst literary-in the middle of
  • raging rasande
  • high office hög befattning, toppjobb
  • forebears formal ancestors
  • founding documents here historical papers relating to the creation of the US
  • in the midst of formal in the middle of
  • far reaching having a great effect
  • shed get rid of
  • shutter AmEclose (a business)
  • adversary enemy, opponent
  • subject to dependent on, informed by
  • sap göra svag weaken
  • nagging persistent and worrying
  • decline fall, weakening
  • span of time period of time
  • discord formal disagreement
  • proclaim say something publicly
  • petty unimportant
  • grievance complaint
  • recriminations criticizing someone who has criticized you
  • dogma belief, principle
  • strangle choke, here stop something developing
  • Scripture the Bible
  • reaffirm state something again
  • enduring lasting
  • precious värdefull
  • pursue try to achieve
  • To make a living as jobba som
  • To practice medicine jobba som läkare
  • To hold the position of att jobba som hålla possision
  • Maternity paternity leave mamma/pappaledig
  • To go parttime börja jobba deltid
  • To lay off staff att avskeda/entlediga personal
  • To get the sack Få sparken
  • To carve a niche for yourself att skapa sin egen nisch
  • To be open to offers att vara öppen för erbjudanden.
  • To move up the ladder att karriärsklättra
  • To hand in one’s resignation att säga upp sig
  • settle for accept
  • faint hearted not brave
  • leisure free time
  • doer doeran active person who achieves things
  • rugged literarydifficult
  • worldly possessions everything you own
  • toil literarywork hard
  • sweatshop factory with bad working conditions
  • time and again often, repeatedly
  • faction minority group
  • prosperous rich and successful
  • inventive creative
  • goods objects to be sold
  • undiminished not reduced
  • stand pat on sthAmEremain unchanged
  • remake make again, in a different way
  • foundation here basis, structure
  • electric grid network for distributing electricity
  • restore bring back, re-establish

Alla Inga

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