Övningen är skapad 2023-03-15 av hannahentze. Antal frågor: 27.

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  • What is literary theory? Critical lenses that can be used as tools for analyzing texts.
  • What are some critical approaches? Moral criticism, Formalism, Psychoanalytic, Marxist, Postmodern, Feminist, Gender Theory and New Historicism
  • What is the critical lens we will be using? New historicism/cultural studies
  • What are the two kinds of categories the critical approaches can be divided into? Formal or Cultural
  • What define formal theories? It is only the formal, written text that is relevant (not outside info)
  • What define cultural theories? The world outside the text is relevant to interpret the text. The text is a product of society.
  • What is New Criticism? Close-reading, focus only on the text itself, focus on literary devices
  • What to look for when doing an analysis? Subject matter, form and structure, punctuation, key images and language choices.
  • Key term: Tone A specific perspective, attitude or feeling in a text
  • Key term: Close Reading Means observing details and facts about the text
  • Key term: Form What form a poem has (how many lines, rhyme schemes etc)
  • Key term: Sonnets Means "little song" in Italian. Music-like with rhymes. Typical topics are love.
  • Key term: Volta Exists usually in the last lines at the end (in Shakespear’s sonnets) which summerizes the theme of the poem of introduces new ideas or perspective (usually something unexpected)!
  • Key term: Free Verse Open form of poetry which lacks consistent rhyme schemes or patterns.
  • Key term: Nonsense Literature Literature that balances literature segments that make sense and those who don't. Often humurous tone.
  • What characterizes language of futurism? No grammar, syntax or logic. Neologism (making new creations of old words, such as ghosting)
  • What was the values of the romantic era? Imagination, heroic individualism, genius/madness, strong emotions, nature and the sublime.
  • What are some characterizations of romantic poetry? Strong emotions, punctuations, the sublime, metaphors, symbols, nature, "indescribable" and enjambment
  • Key term. Enjambment Incomplete syntax (structure of words) at the end of a line. Meaning runs from one poetic line to the next without an end stop (period).
  • Key term: The Sublime Something that is almost indescribable with a strong nature connection. Feeling small.
  • What are the characters of a dramatic monologue/ persona poems? The poem has a persona. Written like a theatre play.
  • What are the characterizations of political poetry? The theme should be political and the tone should be persuasive. Simple language.
  • What are the different kinds of political poetry? Inaugural, reflective, descriptive, love of country, satire + official documents and bearing witness.
  • Key term: Anaphora Repetition of the first part of the sentence. Such as, "Yes we can"
  • Key term: Epigraph An epigraph is a quotation at the beginning of a literary work that suggest the work’s theme.
  • What are the characteristics of a Haiku? 3 lines, no rhyming, about nature, 17 syllables (5, 7, 5)
  • What is stanza? A division of a poem consisting of a series of lines arranged together in a usually recurring pattern of meter and rhyme

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