Ending quiz

Övningen är skapad 2023-12-18 av Cakeart12. Antal frågor: 59.

Välj frågor (59)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • the animosity strong ill feeling of hostility
  • to be disconsolate unhappy
  • the augury foreshadowing
  • to be obliging willing to do favours
  • the effrontery impertinent or rude behaviour
  • the perfidy state of being untrustworthy
  • to be insipid lacking interest
  • to be adroit clever or skillful
  • to be voluble talking incessantly
  • the precipitation the weather
  • the litter trash
  • to be foetid smelling bad
  • to be preposterous absurd or crazy
  • to be fulsome complementing incessantly
  • the bellow deep roar
  • to blunder make a careless mistake, speak clumsily
  • to obviate get something out of the way, preventing something
  • to palliate disguise the seriousness
  • the lament a passionate expression of sorrow
  • the peril the danger
  • to be specious misleading
  • to be fatuous silly and pointless
  • to be done pugnaciously way that shows desire
  • to be virtuous to be good
  • the torrent a stream of water
  • the discountenance disapproval
  • to be done inexorably make something impossible to prevent
  • to be done luridly shocking way
  • to harangue giving a speech angrily
  • to debauch destroy or corrupt
  • to be done desultorily lacking a clear plan or purpose
  • the forbearance self-control, patience, tolerance
  • to be emaciated abnormally thin
  • to be heretical going against social norms
  • the eddies circular movements of water or air
  • the tenets principle of beliefs
  • to manoeuvre movement requiring skill or care
  • the equilibrium balanced
  • to be cardinal greatest importance
  • the heresies beliefs breaking moral law
  • to be frivolous behave in a silly way
  • to be ostentatious seeking to attract attention
  • to be pedantic caring too much about small details
  • to be peremptory insisting on immediate obedience
  • to be pious very religious
  • to be ravenous extremely hungry
  • to be surreptitious kept secret because of possible disapproval
  • to be voracious wanting extreme amounts of food
  • to be voluptuous suggesting sensual pleasure
  • the martyr killed because of religion, falsely wanting sympathy
  • to wheedle try to persuade by saying nice things
  • the palimpsest re-used manuscript with visible text underneath
  • the volition power to decide for yourself
  • to gorge eat a lot in a greedy way
  • the approbation active approval, praise
  • the subversion undermining of authority
  • to tantalise tease or torment
  • the anachronism out of place in timeline
  • the blasphemy disrespect for God

Alla Inga

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