en news article

Övningen är skapad 2020-03-02 av ejmc. Antal frågor: 23.

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Alla Inga

  • ad paid info about something someone wants to sell
  • anchor the person who reads the news
  • magazine often a weekly/monthly glossy paper
  • editorial subjective text by the editor printed on page 2
  • source the origin of information
  • headline title of a text
  • byline author of a text
  • dateline when a text was written
  • placeline where a text was written
  • quotation what someone said
  • lead paragraph introduction in a few sentences
  • correspondent employed journalist placed elsewhere
  • breaking news very fresh information
  • reporter journalist out digging for information about something
  • 5W+H who, what, where, when, why, how
  • 3rd person it, he, she
  • 1st person I
  • tabloids papers selling by attention of money, sex, relations or celebs
  • column regular part in a paper with similar contents
  • verify checking the truth with more sources
  • ethical good moral principals
  • factual accurate, truthful
  • paragraph closely related part of text; about the same thing

Alla Inga

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