Electricity words and definition

Övningen är skapad 2025-03-06 av juliaasoderberg14. Antal frågor: 21.

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  • ammeter an electrical measuring instrument used to measure electron flow in amperes
  • load an amount of electrical power that is being produced and is "weighting on" the electric circuit
  • diode a device that allows a flow of electricity in one direction but not another
  • insulate cover or separate with non-conducting materials
  • battery an energy source that converts chemical energy to electrical energy
  • short (circuit) a failure of an electrical system caused by bad wires or a fault in the connection in the wires
  • circuit board a set of connections in a piece of electrical equipment consisting of thin lines of metal on a board
  • conductor something that allows heat or eceltricity to pass through it
  • direct current a flow of electricity that flow in one direction only
  • resistance the opposition that a material offers the flow of current
  • relay an electrically operated remote switch whose contacts are closed or opened by an electromagnetic field
  • voltage/potential/tension electrical force measured in volts
  • current the flow of electrons
  • parallel circuit a circuit that contains two or more paths of the electrons to travel
  • socket a place where you can connect electrical equipment to the electricity supply
  • alternating current a flow of electricity that changes direction frequently and quickly
  • grounding connecting an object to the earth to remove an electric charge
  • static electricity an attractive or repulsive force between two charged objects
  • switch a device that controls the flow of electrons by opening and closing a circuit
  • series circuit a circuit in which the electrons can only travel in one path
  • fuse protective device to aviod overload

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