Effects on heart

Övningen är skapad 2019-12-16 av karlssonsophie. Antal frågor: 14.

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Alla Inga

  • Chronotropy affects heart rate, conduction cells
  • Inotropy affects contractility, myocardial cells
  • Bathmotropy affects excitation, conduction cells
  • Dromotropy affects velocity through AV node, conduction cells
  • Lusitropy affects relaxation, myocardial cells
  • positive chronotropy If + L-type C2+
  • negative chronotropy If + L-type Ca2+ + inhibit release of adrenaline
  • Positive inotropy L-type Ca2+ + protein kinase A --> phosphorylation of phospholamban
  • negative inotropy L-type Ca2+ + protein kinase A + increased K+ to shorter plateau
  • positive bathmotrophy Trap Na+ inside
  • positive dromotropy L-type ca2+
  • negative dromotropy L-type Ca2+ + increased K+
  • positive lusitropy L-type Ca2+ + protein kinase A --> phosphorylation of phospholamban + troponin I
  • negative lusitropy same as positive

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