'Did* - Do-construction

Övningen är skapad 2023-03-30 av Dingo7. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • Drack katten mjölk? Did the cat drink milk?
  • Sprang hunden till mannen? Did the dog run to the man?
  • Skrev du brevet till din mamma? Did you write the letter to your mother?
  • Sjöng flickan i duschen? Did the girl sing in the shower?
  • Åt isbjörnen maten? Did the polar bear eat the food?
  • Ljög hon om hamstern? Did she lie about the hamster?
  • Tog de med sig pengarna? Did they bring the money?
  • Skrek läraren? Did the teacher scream?
  • Grät jätten? Did the giant cry?
  • Spelade lärarna Hay Day igår? Did the teachers play Hay Day yesterday?
  • Laddade han batteriet? Did he charge the battery?
  • Tittade han på henne? Did he look at her?
  • Såg du filmen förra vecka? Did you see the film last week?
  • Gillade hon påskliljorna? Did she like the daffodils?
  • Bet den dig? Did it bite you?
  • Älskade du honom? Did you love him?
  • Målade han dörren i morse? Did he paint the door this morning?
  • Ritade flickan ett husdjur på bänken? Did the girl draw a pet on the desk?
  • Räddade männen kvinnorna? Did the men save the women?
  • Sköt kvinnan männen? Did the woman shoot the men?
  • Lånade han boken? Did he borrow the book?
  • Köpte de morötter till grisen? Did they buy carrots for the pig?
  • Läste flickan dagboken? Did the girl read the diary?
  • Simmade pojken fort? Did the boy swim fast?
  • Kastade de bollen genom fönstret? Did they throw the ball through the window?
  • Blev han bonde? Did he become a farmer?
  • Lagade de maten tillsammans? Did they cook the food together?
  • Bodde han utomlands? Did he live abroad?
  • Spelade laget bra? Did the team play well?
  • Trodde du att jorden var platt? Did you believe the Earth was flat?

Alla Inga

Utdelad övning

