Describe the word music

Övningen är skapad 2015-09-04 av Veran22. Antal frågor: 18.

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Alla Inga

  • trumpet an instrument that you blow in and that is shiny
  • composer a person who writes music, mostly classical pieces
  • guitar an instrument with strings, you can play it electric if you want
  • amplifier this makes the music sound louder
  • microphone a thing that makes your song sound louder
  • electric the opposite word to acoustic
  • record a producer does this with music
  • release when you have music that you want many people to hear you do this with the record
  • song writer a person who writes the lyrics/the words to songs
  • gig a concert with a band that isn´t that famous yet
  • concert when you listen to a band with many other people you are at a this
  • acoustic when you don´t have any eletricity when you play the instrument
  • orchestra many people playing together often classical music
  • musician a person who makes and plays music
  • band a group that makes music
  • vocals the song on the album
  • singer the person who sings in a group/band
  • producer the person who is responsible for making the album together with the band/an artist

Alla Inga

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