Construction management

Övningen är skapad 2020-03-10 av JohanStaflund. Antal frågor: 29.

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  • Begrepp: A temporary and unique organisation of different actors working towards a specific goal project
  • A great diversity of organisations, specialists and objectives construction
  • The application of management control in terms of cost, time, quality, health and safety and environmental performance impact on the design process. Design management
  • Turning the clients needs into a clear brief, defining the projects mission briefing problem
  • Turning the brief into a definition of the facility design problem
  • Process parts in a functional analysis function definition, function evaluation, creative alternatives
  • Design-bid-build (svenska och kontrakt) utförandeentreprenad, ab04
  • in which contract has the client more control design-bid-build
  • in which contract form has the client less risk and less control design-build
  • Design-build (svenska och kontrakt) totalentreprenad, abt06
  • Contract form DBOM design-build-operate-maintain
  • ABK+AB/ABT early contract involvement
  • different payment forms fixed price, cost reimbursement, incentive
  • procurement strategy, write the different parts contract deliver, payment form, selection of supplier, collaboration form
  • bespoke contract designed by the client to meet specific needs
  • Why are standard contracts good tested over time, reduced transaction cost, professionally made
  • Long-term commitment between two or more organizations partering
  • what changes in partnering traditional relationships to a shared culture
  • seeks to involve the whole workforce into thinking about quality total quality management
  • - A joint venture is a collaboration of 2 or more parties while having a construction project together joint venture
  • FIDIC yellow book is the same as (contract+form) ABT06, design-build
  • two problems with whole life costing lack of performance data, value change
  • what does WLC means? whole life costing
  • - The value to which an asset can be redeployed without loosing value asset specificity
  • mention two different types of joint venture separated and integrated
  • analyses the spatial loading of a project considering both space for material and wort. critical space analysis
  • what is critical spacing when there is no lack of space
  • X factor compares the available space to the needed space the spatial loading factor
  • premium that the contractor pays to the workers insurance experienced modification rate

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