Classic works of literature

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-26 av MartinaBila. Antal frågor: 14.

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Alla Inga

  • albeit even though
  • satnav system of navigation using information from satellites
  • to hone improve, refine, polish
  • curriculum the different subjects making up a course of study at school
  • poised ready to do something
  • quills thin sharp spikes that grow on some animals (e.g. hedgehogs) to protect them
  • aloft high up in the air
  • usurp take someone else’s position illegally
  • apt very suitable, right
  • canon established collection of works
  • run rampant take off, flourish
  • bolster make something stronger
  • predecessor person that came before (in time)
  • to convey to express

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