Chronicle of a Death Foretold - part 3

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-12 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • pommel a rounded knob at the end of a cane
  • impertinence lack of respect, rudeness
  • bash party or social event
  • panopticon circular prison
  • serenade a piece of music sung in the open air, typically by a man at night by the window of his belowed
  • foretell predict the future
  • foretold förutspådd
  • steer a young bull
  • gored by a bull pierced by a bull's horn
  • stolid and stunned impassive, stout, apathetic, unresponsive to something that might normally excite interest or emotion
  • scapular can mean both a pendant with some sort of religious icon or a long type of cloth worn by priests around their necks, also shoulder bone
  • scimitar a short sword with a curved blade
  • permanganate salt containing an anion (to cure blennorrhagia)
  • anion a negatively chaged ion (jon)
  • purge to rid, remove something unwanted. Also, an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people
  • seton medical drainage, a bit of thread or cloth left in wound for drainage
  • fervor intense and passionate feeling
  • boobish foolish, silly
  • gourd type of pumpkin
  • Saint Elmo's fire light phenomenon that can warn about an imminent lightning strike. Seen as a bad omen by sailors

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