Chronicle of a Death Foretold - part 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-12 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • inclement lacking mildness, about weather unpleasantly cold and wet
  • morass an area of muddy or boggy ground or complicated or confused situation
  • lanquid lacking enthusiasm energy or strength
  • up to the hilt idiom completely, to the maximum degree
  • hilt the handle of a weapon or a tool, esp sword, dagger or knife
  • music box speldosa
  • mother-of-pearl iridescent internal layer of a mollusk
  • organdy a fine translucent cotton muslin
  • flurry a small swirling mass of something, moved by a sudden gust of wing, eg snow
  • a poor man's goldsmith a less successful goldsmith
  • meek submissive
  • afflicted mentally or physically impaired
  • augur portend a good or bad outcome
  • protend be a sign or warning of something
  • destitute extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself
  • ninny a foolish or weak person
  • penury the state of being very poor, extreme proverty
  • perfidy the state of being deceiteful and untrustworthy
  • papiamento a creole language spoken in the Antilles
  • Cordovan shoes shoes made of soft skin or horse hide

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