Charlie maj 1

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-18 av ceclu_s. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • utterly completely
  • delirious experiencing hallucination
  • bent stooped
  • stationary letter paper
  • cog tooth on the rim of a gear wheel
  • fluster cause to be nervous
  • dawdle taking more time than necessary
  • groove a long, narrow, hollow space cut into a surface
  • incidentally by the way
  • grudge a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time
  • coin flat metal piece used as money
  • tread to put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot
  • practically in a manner concerned of actual use
  • keen very interested, eager, wanting to do something very much
  • frothy filled with bubbles
  • spree a brief indulgence of your impulses
  • dally behave carelessly
  • morsel a mouthful of food
  • indignantly in a manner showing anger at something
  • wring a twisting squeeze
  • alight showing excitement and happiness
  • amazing admiration or wonder
  • pitch a high or low quality of sound
  • hurtle move with a rushing sound
  • ravenous extremely hungry
  • mink slender bodied mammal valued for its fur
  • staggering impressive, overwhelmed
  • intently in a way that shows great attention to something
  • fiend an evil supernatural being
  • bust forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful

Alla Inga

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