Chapter 4

Övningen är skapad 2024-12-18 av Issemcfly. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • A paraphyletic group includes some organisms that share their most recent common ancestor; an ancestor and some of it's descendants
  • A polyphyletic group, includes organisms with multiple recent common ancestor
  • A synapomorphy is a trait shared by all descendants of a recent common anector
  • Homology is the similiarties due to shared ancestry
  • Homoplasy is the similairty due to shared function
  • The phenomenon where traits have gotten another function from what they originally were menat for Exaptation
  • A change in the phenotype/genotype occuring because of shifting environment Adaptation
  • Some animals seem to be ancestral, and not have developed a lot, but in reality they're the most adapted of them all Myth of the primitive
  • What can cause a mutation? Polymerase slips, radioactivity, solar energy and chemicals
  • A mutation that only changes one or few nucleotides in a gene sequence Point mutation
  • A mutation that shifts the way a sequence is read Frameshift mutation
  • A mutation that adds nucleotides to the sequence Insertion mutation
  • A mutation that erases nucleotides from a sequence Deletion mutation
  • A hybrid gene that's formed from the abnormal combination of two chromosomes coming together due to mutations Chromosome fusion
  • A mutation where multiple copies of a DNA segment is produced Gene duplication
  • A mutation where a DNA section releases from the chromosome and then reattaches itself in the reversed order Inversion
  • Mutations only show effects if it occurs in the coding region
  • When a chromosome is added or missing from an individual Aneuploidy
  • Does the number of chromosomes a species has predict the size of its genome? No
  • DNA sequences that can move from locations withing a genome Transposons
  • Retrotransposons function via reverse transcription
  • DNA transposons require a tranposase enzyme for insertion and excision
  • Transposons can impact evolution, regulation of gene expression, genome instability and applications
  • A case of phenotypic plasticity, where the environment and gene expression decides the development of a discrete phenotype Polyphenism
  • Changes to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence, but the gene expression Epigenetics

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