Chapter 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-12-17 av Issemcfly. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • Who used stratigraphy to discover patterns of fossils in rocks and helped setting a foundation for dating life on Earth? William Smith
  • Similar traits due to having a shared ancestry Homology
  • Who proposed human studies that helped Darwin and Wallace to help them understand population dynamics? Thomas Malthus
  • The study of layering of rocks Stratigraphy
  • The science of describing, naming and classifying species of living or fossil organisms Taxonomy
  • The study of prehistoric life Paleontology
  • System which ranked life on a scale in nature for nearly 2000 years The Great Chain of Being
  • The founder of modern taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
  • Who proposed the mechanical complexity of animal organs which he thought had evidence of a Divine Creator William Paley
  • Who proposed that new varieties of sepcies could arise in repsonse to new habitats Georges Buffon
  • Who first came up with evidence for extinction? Georges Cuvier
  • Who proposed that the Earth shaped by slow changes which were gradual? James Hutton
  • Who was an early proponent of evolution as a process that obeyed natural laws? Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
  • A mechanism that can lead to adaptive evolution. When some types of individuals do better than others in a population Natural selection
  • Who argued that Earth's geological features were the result of gradual change, which had influecne of Darwin's theories? Charles Lyell
  • Comparisons between embryos can reveal homologies not evident in adulthood
  • Alfred Russel Wallace independently came up with the idea of natural selection as a mechanism of evolution
  • Heredity is the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring
  • A gene is a segment of DNA
  • Genetic drift is evolution arising from random changes in the genetic composition of a population from one gen to the next

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