Chapter 18 - Rosa Parks men utma

Övningen är skapad 2025-03-06 av annaberggren94. Antal frågor: 10.

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Alla Inga

  • They even had to use different (hissar) elevator .
  • She first had to buy her ticker from the (förare) driver .
  • Get on again from the (dörröppning) entrance in the back.
  • Move (längst bak) to the back !
  • (Enligt) According to the law, black passengers had to give up their seats for white people.
  • The I'll (låta arrestera någon) have you arrested .
  • Her friends then called a young and popular Baptist (präst) minister , Martin Luther King Jr and ask him for help.
  • More then (häften) half the bus passangers in Montgomery were African-Americans.
  • The bus (företaget) company lost a lot of money.
  • To celebrate this, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. got on the bus the next day and took their seats (allra längst fram) right up front .

Alla Inga

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