Buddhism HC in English

Övningen är skapad 2023-11-30 av DieterBeerbaum. Antal frågor: 24.

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Alla Inga

  • Buddha Siddharta Gautama, the founder of Buddhism
  • Bodh-Gaya The tree where Buddha got illuminated.
  • Upplysning Knowledge of life and death
  • Meditation A practice to find inner calm
  • Nirvana When u no longer need to be born again.
  • Dharma The teachings of Buddha
  • Sangha The buddhist community
  • Samsara The cycle of life and death
  • De fyra ädla sanningarna Four ways to understand why man is suffering.
  • Den åttafaldiga vägen Eight ways to get to Nirvana.
  • Tripitaka The three baskets. The holy scriptures of buddhism.
  • Tempel A building where buddhists perform rites
  • Stupor Holy buildings where relics are placed.
  • Pagoder High holy towers in China.
  • Vesak A buddhist holiday. To remember Buddha.
  • Dharmadagen A holiday with focus on Buddhas teachings.
  • Buddhor Illuminated teachers
  • Boddhisatvor Rejects illumination to teach others.
  • Lamor Spiritual leaders in Lamaism.
  • Munks and nuns Lives in monasteries. Dedicate there lives to religion.
  • Dalai Lama The highest leader in Lamaism. Part God.
  • Theravada The oldest orientation i Buddhism. Only munks and nuns can reach Nirvana.
  • Mahayana Called the big wagon. Everyone can reach Nirvana.
  • Vajarayana Focuses on magic and rites.

Alla Inga

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