Begreppsjävlar Litteratur

Övningen är skapad 2017-12-12 av Bertil18. Antal frågor: 34.

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Alla Inga

  • Free indirect discourse Characters' "inner voices" temporarily belong to the narrator
  • Comedy "Lower" form of entertainment.
  • Bourgeois Borgare
  • Catharsis "Spiritual cleansing". Used dramas and tragedies.
  • The three unities Rules for drama derived from a passage in Aristotle's Poetics.
  • Unity of time Duration: 24h
  • Unity of place Where the action unfolds.
  • Unity of action Should be consistent, with a linear plot
  • Levels of a play Text, Transformation, Performance
  • Exposition Setting the background/Telling us things
  • Dramatic characteration Characters revealed
  • Dramatic monologue Extended speech by one character to another
  • Soliloquy monologue Character directly addresses the audience
  • Genre term to classify traditional literature forms, i.e. Ecip, Drama, Poetry
  • Heterodiegetic narrator Narrator not a part of the story world. Has unlimited knowledge and authority
  • Plot How the story is told.
  • Narration Who tells the story?
  • Characterisation Are the caracters ´round´or ´flat´?
  • Setting Where and when does the story take place?
  • Protagonist The main character
  • Antagonist The villain
  • Mimesis Imitation (avbild)
  • Mimetic Realism
  • Transparency We see "through" the language into a real world
  • Stock character recurring flat character in drama, i.e. The show-off
  • First-person character The narrator uses his/her point of view
  • Homodiegetic narrator A narrator that is a part of the story world
  • Denouement The complication of the action is resolved after the climax
  • Climax Crisis or turning point in a story(when the British kill Braveheart's (William Wallice) wife
  • Sonnet A poem with strict rhyme scheme (abab, cdcd, efef, gg)
  • Alliteration A rhyme where the first consonant is repeated within the same line (Peter pipper)
  • Assonance repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences
  • The Western Canon the body of books, music, and art that scholars generally accept as the most important and influential in shaping Western culture.
  • Intertextuality shaping of a text's meaning by another text. It is the interconnection between similar or related works of literature

Alla Inga

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