Begrepp kognition föreläsning 7

Övningen är skapad 2022-02-21 av Vendelawenn. Antal frågor: 15.

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  • What function does everyday memory have? To find our way around, eg identity, realize plans etc
  • Is memory an reproduction or reconstruction of past experiences? Reconstruction
  • Is recalling the same as retelling? No, retelling is often incomplete or distorted
  • What do we remember best, schema- consistent or inconsistent information? Consistent
  • What is memory impairment? Change or alternation in memory of an experienced event as a function of later event
  • Are memories largely biased? True or false? True
  • False memories can be implanted because..? Memories are sensitive to suggestions
  • What is autobiographical memory? All personal memories we have
  • What is the function of the autobiographical memory? To build and maintain our identity and self image
  • What is a spontaneous memory? Direct, involuntary retrieval of autobiographical memory triggered by an external stimulus
  • What is a flashbulb memory? Extremely accurate and detailed memory of particular events
  • What is the prospective memory? Remembering to do something in the future, both the intention and the content of the task
  • What is metamemory? Our ability to know that we need to remember something in the future
  • What could be cues for our prospective memory? Time and events
  • What could result in problems with retrospective memory? Being interrupted

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