BAM words Unit 1

Övningen är skapad 2018-02-06 av Hanna321. Antal frågor: 67.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Cooperative Producer or community cooperations, if you are a member you are one of the owners. The end mean is to get benefits from being a member. Meeting the common needs and aspirations of its members.
  • Triple bottom line Similar to CSR, some stakeholders are taken into consideration. Looks at the social and environmental or social impact of a company.
  • Enterprise Company
  • Free-market economy The opposite of planned economy. Everything doesn't have to be owned by the state, private ownership of property and businesses.
  • Fiscal policy State budget, handled by the politicians
  • Monetary policy Central bank, work with the interest rate.
  • Command economy Regulated by the state, planned economy
  • Sales turnover Sales * quantity, the amount we sell for. A measurement of performance
  • Trading record Past sales
  • Start-up Company being started. Can face economical problems, finding investors, creating a brand awareness
  • Shareholder value The benefits of being a shareholder, such as dividens, capital gain
  • Executive summary Summary towards the CEO, concentrated on the recommendations of what should and has been done.
  • Legal personality You are not your company, person and company are separated.
  • Social audit When we look at how we affect the social life of our employees, an investigation. E.g customer satisfaction, pollution levels or health & safety records
  • Continuity A problem for a sole trader because the company=the person. If the person dies the company doesn't go on.
  • Capital goods Goods that are used in production of other goods and services, such as machines.
  • Recession More than three months of negative growth in GDP, or very slow growth.
  • Opportunity costs The cost of the alternative that was not chosen
  • Alienation of workforce When you don't bring in the employees into the decision-making
  • Conglomerate diversification Going into a completely new industry that we have no knowledge of
  • Internal growth With our own resources
  • External growth With other companies, merging or cooperating
  • Strategic alliance Loosely knit, you cooperate sometimes
  • Protectionism Being against free trade, using barriers to prevent it.
  • Consumer goods physical, tangible goods sold to the general public. Both durable and non-durable
  • Consumer services Non-tangible products sold to the general public, such as insurance or tourism related services.
  • Primary sector Extracting natural resources for production, such as farming and fishing.
  • Secondary sector Manufacturing and processing natural resources into products, such as baking, clothing and construction work.
  • Tertiary sector Providing services to others, such as transport, retail, banking, tourism and insurances.
  • Quarternary sector Providing services connected to IT, such as R&D or consulting
  • Entrepreneur Someone who takes the financial risk of starting and managing a new company
  • Intrapreneur Someone within a large corporation who takes direct repsonsibility for turning an idea into a profitable concept using "entrapreneurial talents"
  • Business plan A written document that describes a business, with its objectives and strategies, its market and financial forecasts.
  • Private sector Businesses owned by individuals
  • Sole trader a business in which one person provides the permanent financial and thus has full control over the business and the profits
  • Partnership Business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and responsibilities
  • Share a certificate connfirming part ownership of a company, entitling the owner to dividens and power over decision-making
  • Shareholder Individuals or institutons that own shares in a limited company
  • Private limited company Ltd Small company owned by shareholders, where shares cannot be issued to the general public
  • Public limited company Plc Larger company owned by shareholders, with legal right to sell shares to the general public
  • Social enterprise Business with an objective of benefiting society
  • Microfinance The provision of very small loans to entrepreneurs
  • Non-profit organisation An organisation with an objective other than making profit
  • NGO Non-governmental organisation, has a specific aim of e.g. advocating for human rights
  • Mission statement A statement of the business's core aims
  • Vision statement A statement of what the business wants to achieve long term
  • SMART specific, measurable, achieveable, realistic, time specific
  • Ethics Moral guidelines that determine decision-making
  • Ethical code of conduct A document detailing a company's rules and gudelines on staff behaviour
  • Stakeholder People or groups who can be affected by and thus have an interest in any action by an organisation
  • CSR Corporate social responsibility, considering the interests of society
  • Product development Selling new or developed products in existing market
  • Market development Selling existing product in new marjets
  • Diversification Selling different goods in new markets
  • STEEPLE Social, Technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical factors that impact a business. A framework for analysing the external environmental factors.
  • IT information technology, the use of technology to gather, store and process information
  • Scale of operation The maximum output from the avaliable inputs
  • Economies of scale Decrease in average unit cost from an increase in scale of operations
  • Diseconomies of scale An increase in average unit costs when scale of operation is increased
  • Merger An agreement between businesses to bring both firms together under a common board
  • Takeover, acquisition When one company owns more than 50& of the shares in another and gains control.
  • Joint venture Multiple businesses work together on a project using a separate business division
  • Strategic alliance Agreement between firms to commit resources to reach a common objective
  • Franchise A business that uses the name, logo and trading system of an existing business.
  • Globalisation The growing integration of countries through increased freedom of global movement
  • Free trade No restrictions or trade barriers between countries
  • Multinational business Organisational that has its headquarters in one country whole operating in another

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