Awesome 8 - Leave your heart in San Francisco, men

Övningen är skapad 2024-08-27 av Kindaenglish4u. Antal frågor: 21.

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Alla Inga

  • landsbygd (-en) We grew tired of the city and moved to the COUNTRYSIDE.
  • spårvagn (-ar) CABLE CARS are like slow-moving trains in the city.
  • uppträdande There is a PERFORMANCE tonight by a band I love.
  • sjölejon SEA LIONS look like seals. They are bigger and noisier.
  • pir We sat on the PIER and watched people fishing.
  • omgivning Some animals can blend into their SURROUNDINGS.
  • ökänd The dog was NOTORIOUS för stealing food and chasing cats.
  • titta(r) igenom I'm not buying anything. I'm just BROWSING.
  • mode My brother works in FASHION. He is a clothes designer.
  • märke I don't have a favorite BRAND. I wear all kinds of clothes.
  • nedanför We slept in the woodlands BENEATH the trees.
  • fynd 5 dollars for a brand new t-shirt. What a BARGAIN!
  • rabatt My friend Romy works at a café and gives me DISCOUNT.
  • okonventionell My aunt is a bit UNCONVENTIONAL. She wears her pullovers inside out.
  • promenera On a warm spring day it is nice to STROLL through the streets of Rome.
  • ställa ut (ställer ut) The art museum EXHIBITS new paintings by artists from N.Y.
  • maskerad I went to a COSTUME PARTY dressed as a cucumber.
  • modig I would never dare to hold that snake. I'm not BOLD enough.
  • våghalsig(t) Stop that, please! It is too DARING!
  • häpnadsväckande It was a STUNNING show with fireworks and magicans.
  • påverkan Barack Obma's speeches have had a huge IMPACT on people's lives.

Alla Inga

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