Aspero Rhetorical Devices

Övningen är skapad 2019-09-14 av AsperoTeacherAnna. Antal frågor: 20.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • AMPLIFICATION By using repetition a speaker makes a point clearer. You take a single idea and blows it up bigger to show how it important the idea is.
  • ANACOLUTHON A disruption in an expected sentence or context, you deliberately misspeak from what is expected to make a point.
  • ANADIPLOSIS When you on purpose repeat the end of a sentence in the beginning of the next sentence. This makes it easier for a listener to pay attention.
  • ANTANAGOGE It is when you balance something negative with something positive I.e ”When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. You anticipate a problem and you respond to it.
  • APOPHASIS It is a form of irony, where you deny something, but you still say it in the end. Often a phrase like ”I’m not saying…” is used.
  • ASSONANCE AND ALLITERATION It is when you use the same vowel or consonant sound in multiple words to create emphasis or musicality to your work.
  • ASTERISMOS It is when you use a word or a phrase to draw attention to what you are going to say next. Listen!
  • DYSHEMISM AND EUPHEMISM It is when you take an unpleasant thing and makes it sound nicer i.e passed away instead of died. It can also be the other way around.
  • EUTREISMUS This is something you do when you separate a speech into numbered parts.It gives rhythm to your speech and it is easy to follow.
  • EPILOGUE It is a conclusion to a story that reveals what happens afterwards. For example in Harry Potter the epilogue is when we learn that he will get married and have children.
  • HYPOPHORA This is when you as a speaker asks a questions and then yourself gives it a clear answer.
  • LITOTES This is an understatement, to draw attention to something.
  • ONOMATOPOEIA This will add some ”spice” into a talk. It is when you use words that make the sound it describes i.e ”bang” or ”whizz”.
  • PERSONIFICATION It is when two things are compared and are given human characteristics without being human.
  • PARALLELISM It is when you use similar structure or sound or rhythm to emphasize a point i.e ”It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”.
  • PROCATALEPSIS It is when a speaker anticipates a potential objection and meets it with an argument to strengthen the point. It will leave less room for disagreement and shows you thought it through.
  • SYNEDOCHE It is when you use a part of something to stand for the whole i.e let’s grab a slice - let’s buy a pizza.
  • TAUTOLOGY It is when you use words / phrases to repeat the same idea with different wording.
  • THESIS It is a clear statement of what you are going to argue about.
  • Tmesis It is when you break up a word or sentence to emphasis something i.e ”fan-bloody-tastic”.

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