Anatomy 1st intermediate

Övningen är skapad 2021-06-14 av Melinda2000. Antal frågor: 345.

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  • 1. Which statement concerning spinal meninges and cerebrospinal fluid is correct? CSF travels in the subarachnoid space, CSF is typically sampled from the epidural space, Extensions from the arachnoid help to anchor the spinal cord within the dural sac, The dural sac that surrounds the spinal cord ends at the L1-L2 vertebral level, The pia matter adheres tightly to the arachnoid matter
  • 2. Which statement is true of sensory information on discriminative touch, vibration and proprioception that enters the spinal cord? It crosses the midline in the caudal medulla, It ultimately synapses in the ipsilateral primary and association sensory cortices, It synapses in the posterior horn before ascending, It has second order neurons in the Clarkes column, It ascends ipsilaterally until reaching the pons
  • 3. Parasympathethic preganglionic neurons of the facial nerve originate from the Superior salivatory nucleus, Dorsal nucleus, Inferior salivatory nucleus, Lacrimal nucleus, Greater petrosal nucleus
  • 4. Which of the following structures is insinuated between the external and extreme capsules and is functionally related to the insular cortex? Claustrum, Putamen, External medullary lamina, Stria terminalis, Lamina terminalis
  • 5. The anterior fontanelle is located at the junction of listed sutures except: Lambdoid, frontal, metoptic, sagittal, coronal
  • 6. The cavernous sinus receives Sphenoparietal sinus, Transverse sinus, Sphenoidal sinus, Inferior sagittal sinus, Occipital sinus
  • 7. A lesion in branches of the anterior spinal artery that supply the medial aspect of the lateral white column of the spinal cord is most likely to cause deficits in: Volontary movements on the ipsilateral side, Pain and temperature sensation on the ipsilateral side, Discriminative touch and proprioception on the ipsilateral side, Pain and temperature sensations on the contralateral side, Coordinated movements of the lower limb
  • 8. The recurrent expansion of the tendon of the semimembranosus muscle that reinforces the joint capsule of the knee joint posteriorly as it spans the intercondylar fossa is called: Oblique popliteal ligament, Tibial collateral ligament, Transverse ligament of the knee, Medial meniscus, Anterior cruciate ligament
  • 9. The anterior spinal artery is formed from branches of the: Vertebral arteries, Segmental arteries of the aorta, Basilar artery, Artery of Adamkiewicz, Posterior inferior cerebellar arteries
  • 10. The later of the deep cervical fascia that splits into superficial and deep layers to enclose the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles is called: Investing layer, Sternocleidomastoid layer, Superficial layer, Prevertebral layer, Pretracheal layer
  • 11. A patient presents with paralysis of the lower part of his face on the right. The upper face still shows symmetrical muscle movements. What is the underlying pathology? Lesion of the internal capsule on the left, Lesion of the facial nucleus on the right, Lesion of the primary motor cortex on the right, Lesion of the facial nucleus on the left, Lesion of the right peripheral facial nerve
  • 12. The condyle of the humerus does not have: Olecranon, Trochlea, Capitulum, Radial fossa, Coronoid fossa
  • 13. You are supposed to have you inferior molar extracted. The dentist attempts to block the nerve innervating the teeth of the mandible. According to you anatomical knowledge, the dentist should inject the anesthetic agent Into the mandibular foramen, Into the retromolar triangle, Into the infra orbital foramen, Into the retromandibular fossa, Into the incisive foramen
  • 14. Which statement is true regarding the fornix? It connects the hippocampus with the hypothalamus, It carries descending output from the hypothalamus to the brainstem, It carries input to the hypothalamus from the thalamus, It connects the hypothalamus with forebrain structures, It connects the hypothalamus and the amygdala
  • 15. Which of the following features is typical for the female pelvis? Shallow greater pelvis, Heart shaped pelvic inlet, Round obturator foramen, Narrow deep tapering lesser pelvis, Narrow pubic arch and subpubic angle
  • 16. The anatomical position refers to the body position as if the person were standing upright with the: Lower limbs close together with the feet parallel, Forearms in the pronation position, Head Gaze and toes directed posteriorly, Arms adjacent to the sides with the palm facing medially, Thumbs directed medially
  • 17. The tarsus does not include clinoid, navicular, Talus, Cuneiforms, Cuboid
  • 18. Lesion to the genu of the internal capsule will affect Corticobulbar (corticonuclear) fibers, Association fibers, Thalamocortical fibers, Nigrostriatal fibers, Corticospinal fibers
  • 19. On physical examination one cannot palpate Spinous process of atlas, Ischial tuberosity, Olecranon, Head of humerus, Iliac tubercle
  • 20. Collateral ligaments typically reinforce: Hinge joints, Ball and socket joints, Saddle joints, Pivot joints, Plane joints
  • 21. Brainstem nuclei that receive general somatic afferent information include Spinal nucleus of cranial nerve V, Vestibular nuclei, Solitary nucleus, Facial nucleus, Oculomotor nucleus
  • 22. Which of the cutaneous nerves of the face and scalp is derived from anterior rami of cervical spinal nerves? Great auricular, Buccal, Greater occipital, Zygomaticotemporal, Mental
  • 23. Choose wrong definition of the anatomical plane The median plane – The synonym for the midline, Frontal (coronal) plane – Vertical plane passing through the body at right angle to the median plane, The median plane (median sagittal plane) – The vertical plane passing longitudinally through the body dividing the body into right and left halves, Horizontal plane – The plane passing through the body at right angles to the median and frontal planes, Sagittal plane – The plane passing through the body parallel to the median plane

  • 24. Tegmental wall of the tympanic cavity is formed by Thin plate of bone which separates the tympanic cavity from the dura mater on the floor of the middle cranial fossa, The peaked convexity of the tympanic membrane, The initial part of the cochlea, and the oval round windows, By the bone that separates the tympanic cavity from the carotid canal, A layer of bone that separates the tympanic cavity from the superior bulb of the internal jugular vein
  • 25. Ultrasound examination of your 87-year-old patient with lingual carcinoma revealed metastases to the inferior deep cervical lymph nodes. The main group of deep cervical lymph nodes is located Along the internal jugular vein, Along the sternocleidomastoid muscle, Along the subclavian artery, In the prevertebral space, Posterior to the trachea
  • 26. The union of two internal cerebral veins forms Great cerebral vein
  • 27. Stiff hairs of the vestibule of the nose are called Vibrissae
  • 28. Choose a branch of the thyrocervical trunk Ascending cervical artery
  • 29. The femoral angle of inclination reaches in average 126°
  • 30. You examine the 22-year-old victim of a car accident and you diagnose the oculomotor nerve palsy. This diagnosis is correct because His pupil is fully abducted and depressed
  • 31. The 10-year-old boy has an incident of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (very fast heart rate) and faints while playing with his school mates. His well educated mother performs the carotid sinus massage to slow down the heart rate. Your recall that this area is pressoreceptor involved in the reflex conveyed by CN IX and CN X
  • 32. The articular disc cannot be found in Midcarpal joint
  • 33. The vein running posterior to the ramus of the mandible within the substance of the parotid gland is called Retromandibular vein
  • 34. Which of the following structures is located in the medial wall of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle and if severely damaged or damaged bilaterally may result in memory deficits? Tail of the caudate
  • 35. The rupture of the aneurysm at the bifurcation of the basilar artery will cause the bleeding into Subarachnoid space
  • 36. A defining anatomical feature of the caudal midbrain is the Inferior colliculus
  • 37. Posterior ethmoidal cells open by one or more orifices into Superior nasal meatus
  • 38. The 65-year-old patient was admitted to the ER because of symptoms of the stroke. You think of checking his gag reflexes, because you know that Glossopharyngeal nerve branches provide the afferent limb of the gag reflex
  • 39. The pelvic outlet is not bounded by the Ischial spines
  • 40. The “crest” cannot be found on the Atlas
  • 41. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the trigeminal nerve? Mylohyoid
  • 42. New pulmonary alveoli continue to develop until about age: 8 years
  • 43. The pathway for voluntary movements does not pass through: Posterior funiculus (white column) of the spinal cord
  • 44. Find a feature atypical for the thoracic vertebrae Circular vertebral foramen
  • 45. Which foramen or canal does not open to the middle cranial fossa? Jugular foramen
  • 46. Which of the following statements about the corticobulbar tracts is incorrect? They travel primarly in the posterior limb of the internal capsule
  • 47. Which of the metacarpals has the styloid process? 3rd
  • 48. The vascular layer of the eyeball does not comprise Dilator pupillae
  • 49. The maxillary artery does not give off Angular artery
  • 50. The optic radiations are closely associated with which of the following spaces? Posterior horn of the lateral ventricle
  • 51. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the facial nerve? Buccinator
  • 52. Find the correct description of movement Abduction – Moving away from the median plane
  • 53. The dura forming the roof of the posterior cranial fossa (tentorium cerebelli) and posterior part of the falx cerebri is innervated by the branch of Opthalmic nerve
  • 54. The muscles of the soft palate are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus except Tensor veli palatine
  • 55. Which of the movements can be performed in the humero-ulnar joint? Flexion
  • 56. You suspect the tentorial herniation in your patient with the supratentorial tumor. The suspicion is based on the signs of compression of the CN III
  • 57. The scalp is composed of (from superficial to deep) Skin, connective tissue, aponeurosis, loose areolar tissue, pericranium
  • 58. Find the incorrect association of sensory center with the cortical area Olfactory cortex – Hippocampus
  • 59. Which of these statements about the thalamus is true? The ventral posterolateral nucleus receives input from the medial lemniscus
  • 60. The superior thoracic aperture is not bounded by Clavicle
  • 61. Vertical planes passing through the body parallel to the median (midsagittal) plane are: Sagittal planes
  • 62. The common carotid artery usually bifurcates at the level of: Superior border of thyroid cartilage
  • 63. Which of the following is not associated with the temporal bone? Pyramidal process
  • 64. Find false statement about intervertebral discs There is an intervertebral disc between C1 and C2
  • 65. The sternal angle (Angle of Louis): Indicates the location of the joint between the costal cartilage of the 2nd rib and the sternum
  • 66. Which of the following is not associated with the frontal lobe? Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
  • 67. Which of the following is not a structure in the third ventricle? Collateral trigone
  • 68. Which of the following is not a structure of diencephalon? Claustrum
  • 69. Which of the following is not correct for the lateral ventricle? The floor of anterior horn is formed by hippocampus
  • 70. Which of the following is not a hormone synthezied in hypophysis? Oxytocin
  • 71. Which of the following is incorrect for the cricoid cartilage? It is an attachment of the vocal ligaments
  • 72. Which of the following is not a structure in the fourth ventricle? Collateral trigone
  • 73. Following an automobile accident resulting in a cranial base fracture, a patient’s tongue deviates to the right when protruded and he has moderate dysarthria. You suspect damage to the: Right hypoglossal nerve
  • 74. Which of the following sets of cranial nerves all carry preganglionic parasympathetic (general visceral efferent) fibers? III, VII, XI, X
  • 75. Which of the following is not a structure of medulla oblongata? Pulvinar
  • 76. Indicate false: Pons are supplied by branches of middle cerebral arteries
  • 77. A late nineteenth century technique to treat trigeminal neuralgia was to inject alcohol into the trigeminal ganglion, which destroys all of the sensory fibers in the ganglion. Once the procedure was successfully implemented, the patient would: Loose sensation from all areas of his face except the area overlying the parotid gland and some of the auricle
  • 78. Which of listed structures represent articular process of sacral vertebrae? Sacral cornua
  • 79. Which of the following is not correct for the motor fibers of the trigeminal nerve? They originate in the trigeminal ganglion
  • 80. Which of the following is not a structure in the carotid triangle? Submandibular gland
  • 81. Secretory nerves for the parotid gland are derived from: Glossopharyngeal nerve
  • 82. Which of the following is not a branch of internal carotid artery? Anterior communicating artery
  • 83. Indicate false: Phrenic nerve originate from C1-C4 nerves
  • 84. Superior laryngeal artery usually arises from: Superior thyroid artery
  • 85. Which of the following is not correct for the cribriform plate? It is located in the middle cranial fossa
  • 86. The superior thoracic aperture: Is anatomically the thoracic inlet
  • 87. Carotid sheath does not contain: Sympathetic trunk
  • 88. As the bolus of food enters the oropharynx during swallowing, all of the following actions occur except: The oropharynx is shortened
  • 89. Indicate false about platysma: Is supplied by branch of CN XI
  • 90. The cerebellar tonsil: May descend to the foramen magnum in case of raised intracranial pressure and pose a threat to life
  • 91. External nose is considered to be a “danger area” of face because: Its infections may spread to the cavernous sinus
  • 92. Vocal folds are abducted by: Posterior crico-arytenoid muscle -> abducts
  • 93. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to typical cervical vertebrae? Dislocations that are always associated with spinal cord damage
  • 94. The talus articulates with all of the following bones except: Cuboid
  • 95. The phrenic nerve: Provides the sole motor innervation to the diaphragm
  • 96. The paracentral lobule: Is a part of the primary motor and primary somatic sensory area of the cortex
  • 97. The correct statements about cerebellum are the following except: Functions as a coordinator of precise movements
  • 98. Which structures cannot be found in the submandibular (digastric) triangle? External jugular vein
  • 99. The cerebellum develops from: Metencephalon
  • 100. Choose the correct statement about circulation of CSF: Majority of CSF leaves the ventricular system through the aperture of 4th ventricle
  • 101. In adults the spinal cord ends at the level of: Lower part of the 1st or upper part of the 2nd lumbar vertebrae
  • 102. The part of the femur that is most susceptible to fracture in conjunction with osteoporosis is: Neck
  • 103. The muscle primarily responsible for lips protrusion is Levator labii superioris
  • 104. Bitemporal hemianopia is a result of lesion of Optic chiasm
  • 105. Guyon's canal is located: Between hook of hamate and the pisiform
  • 106. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining the CSF? Fractures of the floor of the middle cranial fossa may result in leakage through the external acoustic meatus
  • 107. Which of the following is not a pneumatized bone? Parietal
  • 108. Upon neurological examination, you notice a slow pupillary light reflex in a patient’s right eye. Which of the following is consistant with this sign? Compression of the right oculomotor nerve
  • 109. A lesion of the facial nerve may result in all of the following except: Inability to open eye
  • 110. Which of the following associations pertaining to the parotid gland is incorrect? Parotid sialogram – Metastasis from a parotid tumor
  • 111. Which of the following is not associated with the frontal bone(s)? Malar flush
  • 112. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining the infrahyoid muscles? One of them passes posterior to the thyroid gland
  • 113. “Venous angle” refers to: The junction of the internal jugular vein and subclavian veins
  • 114. Which of the listed nerves is/are not a cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus? Posterior auricular nerve
  • 115. The condylar emissary vein communicates the suboccipital venous plexus with: Sigmoid sinus
  • 116. The walls of the third ventricle contain following structures except Lateral recess
  • 117. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining the pterygopalatine ganglion? If stimulated, tearing of the eyes and nasal secretions occur
  • 118. The aqueous humor is produced by: The ciliary body
  • 119. The choanae: Provide a passageway from the nasopharynx to the nasal cavity
  • 120. The trapezius can perform all of the following functions except: Protract the scapula
  • 121. The movement described as “rotation of the radius medially so that the palm of hand faces posteriorly is called: Pronation
  • 122. Which of following structures of encephalon is located the most caudally? Flocculus
  • 123. The shaft of a bone ossified from the primary ossification center is called: Diaphysis
  • 124. Which of the following joints permits mainly gliding or sliding movements in the plane of articular surfaces: Acromioclavicular joint
  • 125. In adolescent the three parts of the sternum; manubrium, body and xiphoid process are connected with the: Synostoses
  • 126. Which of the following features is specific to cervical vertebrae? Anterior tubercles
  • 127. Sternoclavicular joint is: Synovial saddle joint
  • 128. Uncovertebral joints (clefts of Luschka) develop commonly between the unci of the body of: C3-C7
  • 129. The point of junction of sagittal, coronal and frontal sutures are called: Bregma
  • 130. Which of the following bones does not contain pneumatised air cells (spaces): Zygomatic
  • 131. Which of the following bones develop from the chondrocranium? None of the above, Parietal, Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid
  • 132. The posterior communicating artery connects the posterior cerebral artery with the: Internal carotid artery
  • 133. The fold of dura mater separating the posterior cranial fossa from the remaining cranial cavity is the Tentorium cerebelli
  • 134. Choose the false statement about the circulation of CSF Cerebral aqueduct connects 3rd ventricle with the central canal of spinal cord
  • 135. The lateral funiculus of spinal cord Contains axons of alpha-motor neurons
  • 136. The greater occipital nerve originates from Posterior ramus of spinal nerve C2
  • 137. The spinal nerves Contain sensory ganglia
  • 138. The fasciculus gracilis: Crosses the midline of the medulla oblongata
  • 139. Choose the false statement about the internal capsule Is separated from the external capsule by insula
  • 140. Choose the correct statement about the prosencephalon Divides into telencephalon and diencephalon
  • 141. Choose the false statement about the tongue The muscle are innervated by lingual nerve
  • 142. Choose the false statement about the submandibular gland Empties through its duct to the oral vestibule
  • 143. Choose the correct statement about cervical plexus Formed by anterior branches of C1-C4 spinal nerves
  • 144. The oculomotor nerves Innervates the inferior oblique muscles
  • 145. Choose the correct statement about the eyeball Aqueous humor flows from the posterior to the anterior chamber
  • 146. Choose the correct statement about the middle ear The auditory tubes open in the anterior wall of tympanic cavity
  • 147. Which of the following nerves is not the branch of facial nerve? Lesser petrosal nerve
  • 148. Which of the following nerves is not a cutaneous branch of cervical plexus? Ansa cervicalis
  • 149. The laryngeal inlet is bounded by the: Aryepiglottic folds
  • 150. The nasolacrimal duct drains into the Inferior nasal meatus
  • 151. The pulse of the facial artery can be readily palpated at which of the following locations? Inferior margin of the body of the mandible
  • 152. A 59-year-old man complains of numbness in the anterior cervical triangle. Therefore damage has occurred to which of the following nerves? Transverse cervical nerve
  • 153. Your patient is having an upper molar tooth removed. This is a difficult procedure because of the secure joint between the tooth and the socket in the alveolar process of the maxillary bone. What is this joint known as? Gomphosis
  • 154. Which of the following regions does not communicate with the pterygopalatine fossa via the indicated route? Sphenoid sinus via the pterygoid canal
  • 155. On examination the patient is diagnosed with an infection within the carotid sheath. Which of the following structures would be damaged? Internal jugular vein and vagus nerve
  • 156. A professional student finds out she has a perfect score on the anatomy portion of her board examination and her muscles of facial expression produce a long anticipated smile. What muscle is assisting her in elevating her labial commissure bilaterally to smile? Zygomaticus major
  • 157. Which of the following represents the larger, more laterally located portion of the basal nuclei (sometimes called the basal ganglia)? Putamen
  • 158. If the body were sectioned along a ____ plane, it would be divided into ____ portions. Horizontal – Superior and inferior
  • 159. Which of the following cranial nerves passes between the posterior cerebral artery and the superior cerebellar artery as its exits the brainstem? Oculomotor
  • 160. Movements in a frontal plane around a sagittal (anteroposterior) axis are called: Flexion and extension
  • 161. The pupillary light reflex refers to the constriction of the pupil upon exposure to light. Which two cranial nerves are critical for this reflex? Optic and oculomotor
  • 162. Which of the following pairs of structures is most likely to be affected by a fracture of the optic canal? Ophthalmic artery and optic nerve
  • 163. The collection of posterior and anterior roots that occupy the lumbar cistern are collectively known as which of the following? Cauda equina
  • 164. The examination reveals a weakness of masticatory muscles on the left side. Which of the following nuclei is specifically related to this deficiency? Left trigeminal motor
  • 165. Which of the following is not a true muscle of mastication? Buccinator (aids in mastication)
  • 166. The MRI of a 49-year-old woman with a brain tumor shows tonsillar herniation. Based on its anatomical position, which of the following portions of the brainstem would most adversely be affected by this herniation? Medulla
  • 167. A 31-year-old hockey player is hit in the head by a puck. His radiographs observed a fracture of the foramen rotundum. Which of the following nerves would be damaged during this event? Maxillary nerve
  • 168. What is the most likely cause of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage? Rupture of an aneurysm
  • 169. Which of the following associations is incorrect? Pivot joint – Biaxial joint
  • 170. The superior sagittal sinus contains mostly: Venous blood
  • 171. Your 65-year-old patient has hearing loss due to otosclerosis of the auditory ossicles. This is interfering with sound reception which normally proceeds from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear via which of the following order of structures? Malleus, incus, stapes, oval window
  • 172. The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint is a synovial joint that is particularly susceptible to dislocation. Which of the following classifications best describes the shoulder joint? Ball-and-socket joint
  • 173. Which of the following cranial nerves exits the posterior (dorsal) aspect of the brainstem? Trochlear IV
  • 174. Which of the following structures is a primary target of the optic tract as it passes caudally from the optic chiasm? Lateral geniculate body
  • 175. Which of the following shows the correct relationship between a parasympathethic ganglion and the cranial nerve that supplies it with preganglionic parasympathetic fibers? Otic ganglion, glossopharyngeal nerve
  • 176. The facial canal ends in Stylomastoid foramen
  • 177. Groove for the sigmoid sinus is located: On the mastoid part of the temporal bone
  • 178. Internal acoustic meatus is located: On the posterior surface of the pyramidal part
  • 179. The pyramidal (petrosal) part of the temporal bone Houses both hearing and equilibrium
  • 180. Find a structure in the medial wall the orbit Fossa for the lacrimal sac
  • 181. Which of the following structures can be seen on inferior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone? Jugular fossa
  • 182. The bone which borders orbit, nasal and oral cavities, has infratemporal surface and is pneumatised is Maxilla
  • 183. Find a wrong association of bones and structures Palatine bone – orbital processes
  • 184. The tympanic cavity borders with all listed spaces except for Internal acoustic meatus
  • 185. Internal acoustic meatus Opens to the tympanic cavity
  • 186. Which of the following is not a process of the maxilla? Ethmoid
  • 187. The palatine bone does not contact with Inferior nasal concha
  • 188. Which of the following is not a structure within squamous part of the temporal bone? Tegmen tympani
  • 189. The orbit communicates with the nasal cavity through Inferior orbital fissure
  • 190. The pterion Is marked by the sphenoparietal suture
  • 191. The pterygopalatine fossa is located Laterally to perpendicular plate of palatine bone
  • 192. The carotid canal Opens in the middle cranial fossa
  • 193. The cervical plexus does not innervate Mylohyoid muscle
  • 194. Which nerve does not conduct gustatory information? Lingual nerve
  • 195. Which of the listed canals/foramens does not open to the infratemporal fossa? Sphenoplatine foramen
  • 196. Which of the following ligaments are composed of elastic tissue? Ligamenta flava
  • 197. A movement of the mandible forward is called the Protrusion
  • 198. Choose the correct statement Extreme capsule is located between the claustrum and internal part of the insular lobe.
  • 199. Claustrum: The function is unknown
  • 200. The jugular foramen does not transmit CN XII
  • 201. Choose a direct branch of the external carotid artery Ascending pharyngeal artery
  • 202. The carotid canal lies ___ to the tympanic cavity Anterior
  • 203. The transverse temporal gyri : Projection fibers to the gyri form the auditory radiation of the internal capsule
  • 204. Somatic sensory pathway for head and neck area is crosses at the level of Medial lemniscus
  • 205. The spinal cord The spinal cord in the adults terminates at the level of the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra
  • 206. Normally, the great cerebral vein of Galen drains directly into which of the following sinuses? Straight sinus
  • 207. The parapharyngeal space does not contain Pharyngeal constrictors
  • 208. Which movement can be performed in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb? Reposition
  • 209. Select one correct statement concerning the hypothalamus The hypothalamus extends forward as far as the optic chiasm
  • 210. A medical student is reading the nerve of the cervical plexus that in particular innervates inferior aspect of the auricle (external and much of the parotid region of the face). The nerve is: Great auricular nerve
  • 211. Middle cranial fossa does not contain Foramen caecum
  • 212. The structures situated nearer to the sole of the foot are referred to as Inferior
  • 213. A patient comes to her physician complaining of burning the anterior aspect of her tongue following drinking an extremely hot cup of coffee. Which cranial nerve is most likely responsible for the pain she is feeling? Trigeminal (sensory via lingual n)
  • 214. Production of lacrimal fluid is stimulated by parasympathetic impulses from CN VII
  • 215. Select the one correct statement concerning the glossopharyngeal nerve The main motor nucleus is situated in the medulla oblongata and forms part of the nucleus ambiguus
  • 216. Anterior horn of the lateral ventricle is bordered: Superiorly by corpus callosum, laterally by head of caudate nucleus
  • 217. The vertebra prominens is typically the spinous prcess of which of the following? C7
  • 218. Non- discriminative sensation is covered by Superficial sensation pathway
  • 219. During inhalation, the action of which pair of muscles will open the rima glottides in order to facilitate laryngeal intubation? Posterior cricoarytenoids
  • 220. A 34-year old man in a bar fight suffers a knife wound that serves the abducens nerve proximal to its entrance into the orbit. Which of the following conditions results from this injury? Internal strabismus (medial deviation)
  • 221. A depression at the center of the macula known to the area of most acute vision is called Fovea centralis
  • Fovea centralis Crosses the midline of the spinal cord
  • 223. Synchondrosis occurs between Temporal and occipital bones
  • 224. In the skull, a modified hinge joint can be found between Mandible and temporal bone
  • 225. Which of the following is the feature of the anatomical position? Palms facing anteriorly
  • 226. The ligament running within the vertebral canal along the posterior aspect of the vertebral bodies is called Posterior longitudinal ligament
  • 227. In the proximal row of carpal bones one can find Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral
  • 228. Choose the correct statement Primary fissure of the cerebellum is situated between the anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum
  • 229. Physical examination, radiogram, and a magnetic resonance imaging scan indicate a lesion of the trigeminal nerve. Which of the following muscles is most likely paralyzed? Tensor veli platini (mandibular nerve)
  • 230. The movement uncrossing the radius from ulna and rotating the forearm to the anatomical position is referred to as Supination
  • 231. First part of the maxillary artery gives off Middle meningeal artery
  • 232. Which of the listed bones does not have a spine? Hyoid
  • 233. Find a structure typical for thoracic vertebra Costal facets
  • 234. Which of the following joints is uniaxial? Elbow joint
  • 235. Indicate the biaxial joint Condyloid
  • 236. Which of the following arteries originates from the facial artery? Angular artery
  • 237. Which rib has no neck nor tubercle? XI
  • 238. A superior parathyroid is located at the level of: Inferior border of cricoid cartilage
  • 239. Indicate the nucleus involved in maintaining circadian rhythms: Suprachiasmatic nucleus
  • 240. Choose a branch of the facial nerve Posterior auricular nerve
  • 241. A 26-year-old heavyweight boxer was punched on his mandible, resulting in a slight (dislocation) of the atlantoaxial joint. The consequence injury was decreased range of motion at that joint. Movement that would be most affected: Rotation
  • 242. One day following the thyroid gland surgery, the female opera singer says hoarsely "Good morning Doctor!" The instantly calls his insurance agent, been because he recognizes that the nerve innervating most of her laryngeal muscles has severed, he means the: Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  • 243. Which of the following is not innervated by CN V? Geniohyoid
  • 244. Amygdaloid body: Is a group of the nuclei located anterior to the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
  • 245. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries are the terminal branches of which of the following vascular trunks? Cerebral part of the internal carotid artery
  • 246. Fibrous connective tissue covering that surrounds each bone like a sleeve is Periosteum
  • 247. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is innervated by Spinal accessory nerve
  • 248. Subparietal sulcus directly bounds Precuneus
  • 249. Circumduction is a combination of which of the following movements? Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction
  • 250. Circumduction cannot occur at Elbow joint
  • 251. The chorda tympani nerve supplies: Sensory innervation to the fungiform papillae located at the apex of the tounge
  • 252. Death may result from bilateral severance of which of the following nerves? Vagus nerve
  • 253. The zygomatic nerve branches from Maxillary nerve
  • 254. The mean value of angle of declination of male femur is: 7
  • 255. All Intrinsic musculature of the larynx is innervated by branches of CN: X
  • 256. A 42-year-old man has a lymph node biopsy on the left side of his lateral cervical region on posterior triangle of his neck. After closure of the wound, the physician asks the patient to rotate his head to the right against resistance. What nerve is the doctor assessing with this test? Accessory nerve
  • 257. Which of the following structures are a part of the epithalamus Pineal gland, epiphysis, posterior commissure
  • 258. Which of the following muscles is innervated by a trigeminal nerve? Masseter
  • 259. The sphenoid articulates with Vomer, palatine bone, occipital bone
  • 260. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the thoracic part of the vertebral column? Inferior vertebrae have mammillary processes
  • 261. Presence of the potential space that contains a small amount of lubricating fluid is a feature of Synovial joint
  • 262. You are in the ED about to check an accident patient’s carotid pulse when the attending physician corrects your finger place by lowering it. The attending physician notes that you need to keep your fingers low because certain patients have which of the following? Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
  • 263. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the clavicle? The superior surface is grooved for the subclavian artery
  • 264. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers for the parotid gland are derived from Otic ganglion (CN IX)
  • 265. The condylar canal can be found on Occipital bone
  • 266. The 1st rib articulates with the manubrium of sternum by Synchondrosis
  • 267. Large, lateral placed bony mass that projects superiorly and posteriorly where the neck joins the femoral shaft is called the Greater trochanter
  • 268. The pulse of the occipital artery can be readily palpated at which of the following locations? Posterior to the mastoid process
  • 269. Unilateral destruction of upper motor neuron for the region supplied by cranial nerves result in Flaccid paralysis of the tongue ipsilateral to the lesion
  • 270. Right-sided homonymous hemianopia may be caused by a destruction of Left optic radiation
  • 271. Pineal gland is surrounded by Quadrigeminal cistern
  • 272. Which of the following associations is not correct? Trigeminal neuralgia—loss of cutaneous sensation in areas of face supplied by trigeminal nerve
  • 273. Conoid ligament attaches to Scapula and clavicle
  • 274. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the lips? The upper and lower lips receive sensory innervation via the infraorbital nerve
  • 275. Which of the following is/are not a cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus? Phrenic nerve
  • 276. The acromioclavicular joint is an example of Plane joint
  • 277. Rough, curved lines called the gluteal lines are typically found on Ilium
  • 278. The second part of the maxillary artery does not give off Inferior alveolar artery (first part)
  • 279. Which of the following muscles protrudes the tongue? Genioglossus
  • 280. Where is the dominant part of Wernicke’s area located in most people? Left superior temporal gyrus
  • 281. The association fibers of the cerebrum: Remain in the same hemisphere but pass from place to place within the hemisphere
  • 282. The filum terminale internum Is composed of pia mater
  • 283. Long spinous processes pointing posterior inferiorly with tip extending to level of vertebral body below is the typical vertebral feature of the: Thoracic
  • 284. After having a tonsillectomy, a 57-year-old man with long history of chewing tobacco is unable to detect taste on the posterior one-third of his tongue. Which of the following nerves has most likely been injured? Glossopharyngeal
  • 285. Which of the following joints has collateral ligaments? Elbow joint
  • 286. The thalamus is A part of the forebrain
  • 287. Select the condition that may result from the injury to the cranial nerve IV External strabismus (lateral deviation)
  • 288. Choose the incorrect statement about the cavernous sinus The inferior ophthalmic vein empties into the sinus
  • 289. Select the one correct statement. The following statements concern the thalamic nuclei: The ventral posterolateral nucleus sends fibers to the postcentral gyrus through the posterior limb of the internal capsule
  • 290. A 59-year-old man complains of numbness in the anterior cervical triangle. Therefore, damage has occurred to which of the following nerves? Transverse cervical nerve
  • 291. The cerebral cortex is an essential component of the pathway included in: Accommodation reflex
  • 292. Arcuate fasciculus Interconnects the Broca’s area with Wernicke’s area
  • 293. Select the one correct statement. The following statements concern the caudate nucleus: It is C-shaped
  • 294. Select the one correct statement. The following statements concern the medulla oblongata: The blood supply is derived from the vertebral, anterior and posterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar and basilar arteries
  • 295. Broca’s area: Occupies the opercular and triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus
  • 296. Small lateral folds of the lingual mucosa that are poorly developed in humans are Foliate papillae
  • 297. Which of the following is the prominent population of melanin-containing cells located immediately internal to the crus cerebri? Substantia nigra
  • 298. The anterior neuropore: Closes before the posterior neuropore (25th/26th day)
  • 299. Mucous membrane and glands of most of the hard palate are supplied by the Greater palatine nerve
  • 300. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries are the terminal branches of which of the following vascular trunks Cerebral part of the internal carotid artery
  • 301. Scalene tubercle is located on 1st rib
  • 302. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery rises from: Vertebral artery
  • 303. Which of the following nuclei are located in the medulla oblongata? Nucleus ambiguus
  • 304. Vallate papillae are located: Directly anterior to the terminal sulcus of the tongue
  • 305. A 60-year-old femail with a 43-year history of smoking complains of pain during swallowing and hoarseness in her voice. A fiberoptic endoscopy reveals a laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma at the location identified by the the arrow within the given figure. What structure is most likely affected by the laryngeal cancer? Vocal folds
  • 306. Hyperacusia would be associated with: Lesion of the facial nerve at the internal acoustic meatus
  • 307. The abnormality shown in the following illustration is called: Cleft lip
  • 308. The posterior funiculus of the spinal cord: Contains axons of the posterior root ganglion that enter the spinal cord and pass directly to the posterior funiculus of the same side
  • 309. The cruciform ligament strengthens the: Atlantoaxial joint
  • 310. A 17-year-old boy in the ER with anterior entry gunshot wound through the manubriosternal joint (sternal angle). If the bullet passed directly posterior, it most likely would lodge in which of the following vertebral bodies? T4
  • 311. In which of the following areas of the nasal cavity would you look to determine whether the ostium of the maxillary sinus is obstructed? Middle nasal meatus
  • 312. Denticulate ligaments are lateral extensions of the: Pia mater
  • 313. The olfactory association cortex includes the: Parahippocampal gyrus
  • 314. The hypoglossal nerve and facial artery are found within the: Submandibular triangle
  • 315. A paralyzed right true vocal fold is most likely associated with which of the following situations? Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
  • 316. The blind spot of the eye refers to the: Optic disc
  • 317. Which of the following arteries is not a part of circle of Willis? Middle cerebral artery
  • 318. The insula of the cerebrum is located: Deep in the lateral fissure between the parietal and temporal lobes
  • 319. Which of the following is not associated with the frontal bone(s)? Hypophyseal fossa
  • 320. The brainstem consists of: Medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain
  • 321. A 25-year-old man is involved in an automobile accident and slams his head into a concrete wall of a bridge. His CT scan reveals that the middle meningeal artery has ruptured but the meninges remain intact. Blood leaking from this artery enters which of the following spaces? Epidural space
  • 322. An MRI of the right internal artery reveals atherosclerotic plaques causing stenosis of the vessel’s lumen within the cavernous sinus. The stenosis is causing increased pressure within the internal carotid artery as it courses through the cavernous sinus, resulting in an aneurysm. Given its location, what cranial nerve would most likely be damaged? Abducent nerve
  • 323. The following statements is true concerning the spinal nerves: There are eight spinal nerves in the cervical region
  • 324. The lateral spinothalamic tract terminates at the: Ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
  • 325. A 38-year old homebuilder was involved in an accident and is unable to supinate his forearm. Which of the following nerves are most likely damaged? Radial and musculocutaneous
  • 326. Which of the following structures can be compressed by the pituitary gland tumor? Optic chiasm
  • 327. Choose the statement about the olfactory pathway, which is not true: The first neuron is located in the olfactory bulb
  • 328. Which of the following is not a foramen or fissure in the sphenoid bone? Lacerum
  • 329. The fornix: Is a bundle of white mater
  • 330. Bones are often classified according to their shape and/or development pattern. Which of the following choices is an example of flat bone? Sternum
  • 331. Which of the following is true of a median plane of the hand? It remains a median plane regardless of limb or body position
  • 332. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to IV discs? They are traversed by blood vessels that are branches of the anterior and posterior spinal arteries
  • 333. The anterior spinothalamic tract conveys: Crude touch sensations
  • 334. Choose the correct statement about the hypothalamus: It influences function of the autonomic nervous system
  • 335. The patient shown in the picture was complaining of double vision (diplopia). Based on the position of his left eye you suspect injury to which of the following cranial nerves? Oculomotor
  • 336. Which of the following structures is not connected to the hyoid bone by a muscle? Manubrium
  • 337. Which of the following is an example of a cartilaginous joint? Intervertebral joint
  • 338. The hippocampus: Is concerned with converting recent memory to long-term memory
  • 339. Which of the following muscles is used to close the lips together tightly? Orbicularis oris
  • 340. Coronal suture is an example of: Fibrous joint
  • 341. Synovial joints allow free movement between their bony elements. They are classified into multiple subtypes according to the shape of the articulating surfaces and/or the degree of movement allowed. Which of the following synovial joint types permits multiaxial movements? Ball and socket
  • 342. Presynaptic sympathetic cell bodies innervating the celiac ganglion are located in the: Thoracic spinal cord
  • 343. Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to fontanelles? The remains of the anterior fontanelle is often indicated by the metopic suture (only in 8% of people)
  • 344. The parotid plexus does not give off: Mental branch
  • 345. Unilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle: Tilts the head to opposite side

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