Åk 7 idioms with Lucy

Övningen är skapad 2023-10-02 av Stephenenglish. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • A blessing in disguise A good thing that seemed bad at first
  • A picture is worth a thousand words A picture tells a story just as good as, if not better than written words
  • a piece of cake really easy
  • Actions speak louder than words What someone actually does means more than what they say they will do
  • Add insult to injury make a bad situation worse
  • As cheap as chips Really cheap
  • Barking up the wrong tree To be wrong about the way to achieve something or the reason for something
  • Beat around the bush Avoid saying what you mean usually because it is uncomfortable
  • Better late than never It's better to come late than not come at all
  • Bite off more than you can chew Try to do something that is way to hard for you
  • Bite the bullet To force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant or to be brave in a difficult situation.
  • Break a leg Good luck
  • Break the ice To make people or have not met each other before feel more relaxed and comfortable.
  • To call it a day To stop what you're doing because you think you've done enough
  • Cost an arm and a leg To be very expensive
  • Cut corners To do something in the fastest, easiest or cheapest way.
  • Cut somebody some slack To give someone additional freedom
  • Don't give up your day job A kind way of saying someone isn't very good at something
  • Put all your eggs in one basket To depend for success on a single person or plan.
  • Easy does it When you want to tell someone to do something carefully and slowly

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