After 20 years by O´Henry

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-03 av marcela. Antal frågor: 43.

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Alla Inga

  • impressiveness grandness, magnificence
  • barely hardly, scarcely
  • gusts a strong current of air
  • nigh near in time or space
  • depeopled depopulated
  • twirl turn in a twisting or spinning motion
  • intricate complicates, hard to understand
  • adown down
  • thoroughfare a road, street that leads at each end into another street
  • stalwart hardy, strongly and stoutly built
  • slight small in amount, degree etc.
  • swagger to walk or strut with a defiant or insolent air; to bring, drive to force
  • vicinity a surrounding or nearby region
  • to lean to incline or bend from a vertical position.
  • reassuringly in a reassuring manner
  • straight having no deviations; without curves
  • square-jawed having a regular, approximately rectangular jaw
  • scar mark, cicatrice
  • scarfpin a decorative pin securing a scarf or a tie
  • ought to should
  • proposition a statement or assertion that expresses a judgement or opinion.
  • to hustle To move or act energetically and rapidly To push or force one's way. To act aggressively, especially in business dealings
  • truest reliable, true
  • stanchest constant, true, faithful
  • chap To cause (the skin) to roughen, redden, or crack, especially as a result of cold or exposure
  • lid of eliminate
  • plodder The act of moving or walking heavily and slowly. The sound made by a heavy step
  • wit The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.
  • razor-edge an edge that is as sharp as the cutting side of a razor
  • twirl To move or spin around rapidly
  • drizzle To rain gently in fine, mistlike drops
  • puff A short forceful exhalation of breath. A short sudden gust of wind.
  • steady Firm in position or place; fixed.
  • astir about
  • dismally in a dreadful manner
  • grasping understanding with difficulty
  • enlarged make larger
  • submerged sink below the surface; go under water
  • glare great brightness
  • to gaze look at with fixed eyes
  • snapped utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone;
  • pug a small, slender moth which rests with its wings stretched out to the sides.
  • tremble reflex shaking caused by cold or fear or excitement

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