Advanced vocabulary 1

Övningen är skapad 2024-08-23 av Christoffer9712. Antal frågor: 32.

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  • Conundrum a confusing and difficult problem or question
  • Ephemeral lasting for a very short time
  • Inscrutable difficult to understand or interpret
  • Nefarious wicked or criminal
  • Querulous complaining or whining in a petulant manner
  • Salient most noticeable or important
  • Ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere
  • Vexatious causing annoyance, frustration, or worry
  • Zealous having great enthusiasm or passion for something
  • Aberration a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected
  • Bombastic high-sounding but with little meaning, inflated
  • Disparage regard or represent as being of little worth, belittle
  • Furtive attempting to avoid notice or attention, secretive
  • Gregarious fond of company, sociable
  • Harbinger a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
  • Axiomatic self-evident, unquestionable
  • Equanimity calmness, composure, evenness of temper
  • Genuflect to kneel, bow or bend in reverence or worship
  • Intransigent stubborn, unwilling to compromise
  • Juxtapose to place side by side for comparison or contrast
  • Limpid clear, transparent, easy to understand
  • Metamorphosis a profound change in form or nature
  • Perspicacious having keen insight, mentally sharp
  • Vituperate to criticize or berate harshly, to use abusive language towards
  • Nonplussed bewildered, confused, unsure how to react
  • Obdurate stubborn, unyielding, resistant to persuasion
  • Elated great happieness
  • Warehouse a large building for storing goods that are going to be sold
  • Loft the space under the roof of a house or other building
  • Eccentric behaving in a strange and unusual way
  • Versatile having many different skills
  • Ruthless not caring if you hurt or upset other people when you try to get what you want

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