Adjectives - formal English

Övningen är skapad 2023-09-14 av ida788. Antal frågor: 32.

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  • ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning
  • awkward not graceful or skillful in movement or shape
  • awkward not easy to use
  • beneficial helpful
  • exact precise, accurate
  • innocent not guilty
  • odd not divisible by 2
  • plentiful in great supply, easily available; more than enough
  • superficial on or near the surface; concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow
  • profound having great depth or seriousness
  • rigid not flexible
  • slight small, not very important
  • sophisticated complex or intricate
  • strong not mild or weak
  • strong bright; emitting a large amount of light
  • voluntary willing; unforced
  • willing agreeable and ready to do something
  • clear easy to understand
  • easy simple
  • graceful having or showing grace or elegance
  • harmful causing or likely to cause harm
  • approximate not exact, but close enough to be reasonably correct
  • guilty responsible for doing something bad
  • even divisible by 2
  • scarce in short supply
  • flexible capable of bending without breaking
  • considerable fairly large in size or extent; worthy of attention
  • crude not carefully or expertly made
  • delicate pleasing to the senses
  • dim not bright; emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light
  • compulsory required; mandatory
  • reluctant unwilling; hesitant

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