Abortions - Important Terminology

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-18 av Idunna. Antal frågor: 19.

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  • Reinstating Bringing back a law or rule that was removed. In the abortion debate, some people want to reinstate the protections from Roe v. Wade.
  • Reproductive Rights The rights of individuals to decide whether to have children, and to have access to birth control, abortion, and other health care related to pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Roe v. Wade A famous U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1973 that made abortion legal in all states. It was overturned in 2022, meaning states can now make their own abortion laws.
  • Abortion Ban A law that makes abortion illegal or restricts when and how it can happen. For example, a "six-week abortion ban" means abortions are illegal after six weeks of pregnancy.
  • Exceptions (for rape, incest, and life of the mother) Special cases where abortion is allowed, such as when a woman becomes pregnant after being raped, or if her life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
  • Pro-life A belief or political stance that opposes abortion. People who are "pro-life" believe that unborn babies have the right to life.
  • Pro-choice A belief or political stance that supports the right of women to choose whether to have an abortion. People who are "pro-choice" believe women should make their own decisions about their pregnancies.
  • Health Care Provider A person or organization that provides medical services, such as doctors, nurses, or clinics.
  • Supreme Court The highest court in the United States. It makes important legal decisions that affect the whole country.
  • State Law Laws made by individual U.S. states. In the abortion debate, some states have strict abortion laws, while others have more relaxed rules.
  • Federal Law Laws made by the government of the entire country, as opposed to state laws. Some people want abortion to be controlled by federal law, while others think each state should decide.
  • Miscarriage When a baby dies inside the womb before it is born. Some abortion laws affect how doctors can treat women who have miscarriages.
  • Pregnancy Term The length of time a woman is pregnant, usually about nine months. Laws may allow abortion in early pregnancy but not later, such as after 12 or 24 weeks.
  • Late-term Abortion A term used to describe an abortion done later in pregnancy, often after the 24th week. These are usually very rare and happen because of serious health problems for the mother or baby.
  • Life of the Mother A legal term used in abortion laws. It means that abortion may be allowed if the mother's life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
  • Incest Is when close family members, like siblings or parents and children, have a sexual relationship. It is illegal in most countries and is considered socially and morally wrong.
  • Criminalization Making something illegal. In the context of abortion, some states are criminalizing abortion by making it a crime for doctors to perform them.
  • Freedom of Choice The right to make decisions about your own life and body. In the abortion debate, it refers to the right to choose whether to have an abortion.
  • Constitutional Rights The basic rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Some people argue that access to abortion is a constitutional right under the right to privacy.

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