A Rose for Emily

Övningen är skapad 2024-11-19 av ebbadalmo. Antal frågor: 81.

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  • cupolas A small, often dome-like, tall structure on top of a building. Often used to provide a lookout or to get more light.
  • scrolled balconies Balconies decorated with an ornament or ornamental design that resembles a partially rolled scroll of paper
  • encroached moves over it or covers it more and more/ embedded
  • obliterated To remove, destroy, or hide completely
  • august names Means distinguished or respected, to describe the family names of those individuals buried in the same cemetery as Emily. The Griersons are considered an "august" family because of their wealth, power, and social-status
  • coquettish Behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction; flirtatious.
  • cedar bemused That there are a lot of cedar trees
  • hereditary When something gets passed down through generations
  • edict rule/commandment
  • remitted canceled/wrote of or not to be payed
  • dispensation an exemption from a rule or usual requirement
  • perpetuity the state of lasting forever
  • archaic old-fashioned/ancient
  • deputation a group of people chosen to undertake a mission or take part in a formal process on behalf of a larger group
  • ceased stopped
  • parlour a living room, a room for guests
  • sluggishly slowly
  • motes small particles
  • tarnished when a thing is in poor condition, worn down
  • gilt easel a wooden frame for holding an artist painting that has already been painted on
  • descending going/ falling down
  • ebony cane elfenben crutch
  • submerged to lower, sunken
  • pallid hue light shade/ pale color (skin)
  • vanquished to defeat someone usually in war
  • temerity audacity, boldness
  • teeming swarming or something is full of
  • diffident shy
  • deprecation to express disapproval
  • diffident deprecation timid disapproval
  • condolence compassion
  • slunk sneaked, or snuck
  • persuade induce someone to do something through reasoning or argument
  • vindicated clear someone of blame or suspicion
  • pauper very poor
  • ministers priests
  • humanized turned into a normal human being
  • spraddled wide open, spread
  • locust type of tree
  • tableau picture, painting (here: like a role-model)
  • serene Comfortable
  • paving Brick of a sidewalk
  • kinsfolk People that is related to you/ family
  • rustling of craned silk and satin Referring to a woman in high-necked silk and satin dress.
  • ought Have to
  • imperviousness impenetrability (you cannot really see through)
  • slight woman small female
  • erect straight
  • strained flag rigged flag
  • glittering buggy a (horse) wagon
  • divulge make known, reveal
  • reins-leather strips that you use to bridle a horse
  • doddering to halt
  • blood-kin biologically related relatives
  • blowing-off here: that they manage to persuade Emily to not associate with Homer
  • circumvent overcome a problem or difficulty
  • thwarted prevent someone from accomplishing something
  • virulent deadly, venomous
  • stooped crooked back
  • impervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
  • profoundly deeply
  • bier a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which they are carried to the grave
  • sibilant a hissing sound
  • diminishing decreasing
  • indentation dent, imprint
  • nostril external openings in the nose
  • meadow field
  • pervading spread through (genomsyrar)
  • evidently apparently
  • carven engraved, cut
  • torso upperbody
  • niche ideal position (rätt plats)
  • cuckolded a man is cuckolded, his wife has a sexual relationship with another man
  • inextricable complex
  • biding you hesitate to act
  • acrid sharp
  • tomb the place you get buried
  • valance bed cover (sängkappa, kappa)
  • array gathering
  • obscured unknown
  • crescent halfmoon

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