60 words: part 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-01-29 av Jasmin_Hashemi. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • Annual Årlig, happens every year
  • Conscience Samvete, judgement of your moral actions
  • Ban Förbjuda, forbid
  • Putrid Rutten, smells rotten
  • Amid Mitt i, in the middle of
  • Breed To keep animals for them to reproduce
  • Interpret Tolka, to explain the meaning of a foreign language
  • Interpreter Tolk, the person who interprets
  • Devote Ägna, to give all your time and effort
  • Devotee A follower
  • Fend off Avvärja, skydda sig mot, to push, to protect
  • Fatigue Trötthet, tiredness
  • Humid Fuktig, very moist
  • Deplorable Förfärlig, despicable, awful
  • Narrative Story
  • Decline (v) Nedgång, getting worse
  • Confine (v) Begränsa, Enclose, close in, to limit or restrict
  • Culinary Kulinarisk, to do with good food
  • Ally (n) Allians, somebody on your side
  • Domestic Hushåll, to do with your home
  • Culminate Nå sin höjdpunkt, coming to the end of a series or events
  • Abstention Att rösta blankt, choosing not to participate or vote in a particular decision or action
  • Current (adj) Happening right now
  • Current (n) Movement of air, water, electricity
  • Malnutrition Undernäring, not getting fed properly

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