40. What were they doing?

Övningen är skapad 2019-07-08 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 13.

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Alla Inga

  • What was Sue brushing?/her hair/ She was brushing her hair.
  • What was Steven eating? /apples/ He was eating apples.
  • What was Camilla listening to? /music/ She was listening to music.
  • What were Gerald and Bob painting? /their house/ They were painting their house.
  • What was Paul doing? /write a letter/ He were writing a letter.
  • What were Lucy and Claire doing? /ride/ They were riding.
  • What was your aunt doing? /watch TV/ She was watching TV.
  • What was your uncle doing? /talk too much/ He was talking too much.
  • What was you mother-in-law doing? /play the piano/ She was playing the piano.
  • What was the cat doing? /catch mouse/ It was catching the mouse.
  • What was the dog doing? /bark/ It was barking.
  • Bill and John, what were you doing? /wash the car/ We were washing the car.
  • Children, what were you doing? /play/ We were playing.

Alla Inga

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