38. Tag questions

Övningen är skapad 2019-07-08 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 32.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • He is nice, isn't he?
  • You are pretty, aren't you?
  • He isn't tired, is he?
  • They aren't hungry, are they?
  • You like to dance, don't you?
  • I swim every Wednesday, don't I?
  • She reads a lot of books, doesn't she?
  • We are the best, aren't we?
  • We have seven sisters, don't we?
  • They won't pay the price, will they?
  • You can sing, can't you?
  • He isn't able to talk, is he?
  • They wouldn't lie, would they?
  • She will win, won't she?
  • You must tell the truth, mustn't you?
  • She liked the film, didn't she?
  • The children didn't play football, did they?
  • He answered correctly, didn't he?
  • I will help you, won't I?
  • She didn't write back, did she?
  • He hasn't got any brothers, has he?
  • We have plenty of time, haven't we?
  • You haven't been truthful, have you?
  • They couldn't help themselves, could they?
  • She knew how to spell the word, didn't she?
  • I won't stay long, will I?
  • They didn't lose the game, did they?
  • He hadn't had time to rest, had he?
  • She had already paid, hadn't she?
  • They were at home, weren't they?
  • She was always tired, wasn't she?
  • I wasn't here in the beginning, was I?

Alla Inga

Utdelad övning

