30. Word order

Övningen är skapad 2023-05-12 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 22.

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Alla Inga

  • He promised /att inte/ not to disturb me.
  • She /har aldrig/ has never helped her parents.
  • Father /kommer alltid/ always come home at six o'clock.
  • They /tittar ofta/ often look at this programme.
  • He /är aldrig/ is never at home in the evening.
  • We thought that they /redan hade/ had already arrived.
  • He asked if I /inte hade varit/ had not been abroad.
  • The child was taught /att säga/ to tell the truth.
  • The dog /hoppade plötsligt/ suddenly jumped up onto the sofa.
  • They /var fortfarande vakna/ were still awake when the clock struck.
  • She /kände fortfarande igen/ still recognized her old teacher.
  • The boy promised us /att inte vara/ not to be late.
  • This attempt /var också/ was also successful.
  • February /kommer troligen vara/ will probably be a very cold month.
  • The seals /hoppade genast/ immediately jumped into the water.
  • We /åt sällan/ seldom had dinner late.
  • I told him /att inte öppna/ not to open the window.
  • The teacher /tappade till slut/ finally lost his patience.
  • He said he /hade aldrig kunnat komma/ had never been able to come there on time.
  • She /går vanligtvis/ usually goes to church every Sunday.
  • They /besöker ibland/ sometimes visit their grandparents.
  • We /är vanligtvis/ are generally in school at this time.

Alla Inga

Utdelad övning

