27 amendments

Övningen är skapad 2021-10-23 av Corneliawennbergg. Antal frågor: 27.

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Alla Inga

  • 1 Freedom of RAPPS
  • 2 own to have a gun
  • 3 No hosting of soldiers
  • 4 the police search or seizure
  • 5 Dont have to satify against yourself
  • 6 speed trail
  • 7 civil suits over S20 need a jury
  • 8 no cruel and unusual punishment
  • 9 more rights then are listed in the c
  • 10 states have rights
  • 11 A person who living in a different state cant sue over a other state
  • 12 electoral college must vote for the president and the vice president separately
  • 13 ended slavery
  • 14 all people born in us are citizens and equal
  • 16 government made everyone to pay taxes
  • 15 any man regardless of race can vote
  • 17 senators elected by the popluar vote
  • 18 made alcohol illegal in the us
  • 19 women can vote
  • 20 president inauguration (sworn in a president) on januari 20
  • 21 legalized drinking aigan
  • 22 president can only serve 2 terms or ten
  • 23 dc gets 3 electoral collage vote
  • 24 made poll taxes illegal
  • 25 who takes over is the president cannot perform their duties
  • 26 national voting age is 18
  • 27 congress cannot give themselves a rais until the session beigns

Alla Inga

Utdelad övning

